Paekakariki School Parent consultation
Sexuality education is a lifelong process. It provides students with the knowledge, understanding, and skills to develop positive attitudes towards sexuality, to take care of their health, and to enhance their interpersonal relationships, now and in the future. (Ministry of Education).
With the belief that they will understand who they are and what makes them individuals, We look at gender roles, body image, discrimination, equity, the media, values of different culture, what are beliefs, and the law.
Schools have 8 LEARNING AREAS that we are required to teach: English, The Arts, Health and Physical Education Learning Languages, Mathematics and Statistics Science,Social Studies and Technology
There are 4 parts to the Health and Physical Education Learning Area: Personal Health and Physical development Movement Concepts and Motor skills Relationships with Other People Healthy Communities and Environments.
Helping students develop the knowledge understanding, skills, and attitudes that they need in order to maintain and enhance their personal well-being and physical development
All schools teach to Levels. In Primary schools there are generally four levels Level (1) is geared towards students from Ages 5-7 Level (2 ) is geared towards students from Ages 6-8 Level (3 ) is geared towards students from Ages 8-10 Level (4 ) is geared towards students from Ages 10-13
We talk about: Feelings. What are feelings. Describe feelings and how different feeling affect you and other people? How Students grow. What are the important things that must happen for people to lead healthy lives? What are their personal needs. What makes people different and why that is ok
We talk about: Stages of growth and development What stages they have been through already, what might be their next stage of development, why they go through these stages, what happens in these stages. Discuss self care Hygiene, Healthy eating, how to keep yourself safe
We talk about: Stages of growth and development What stages they have been through already, what might be their next stage of development, why they go through these stages, what happens in these stages. Who am I. What makes me different from other? Discuss self care Hygiene why it is important How and why you need to keep yourself safe
We talk about: Things that affect personal, physical social and emotional growth. nutrition, illness, injury, posture, physical activity, disappointment, loss, individual differences and skills for making friends, Dealing with increasing independence, achieving success. Hygiene, how to keep yourself safe Develop skills to manage these changes
We discuss: The characteristics of pubertal change What are the stages of puberty and why do they happen? What changes take place: physically emotionally and in relationships Why these changes take place What are consequences of these changes? Discuss how to care for your body during this stage
Young people today have a great deal of information coming at them. Sex is used as a advertising tool, it oozes of magazines and newspapers; sexual activity is far more prominent through the internet and television daily the media pushes this messages, and these messages can be confusing. What we try to do, in a factual and personal way, is to try and clarify the pubertal stage that they are going through and the effects it will have on them. We also try and clarify the mass of information they are receiving.
The programme will run over four weeks and will cover a range of topics. The majority of the lessons are interactive with a great deal of discussion and interaction: group work, role play, class debate. There is very little written content.
WeekLearning OutcomesActivities 1. Introduction Understand the changes associated with puberty and that these changes are natural. * Brain storm What we know about puberty-Team activity *Q. Why does the body go through puberty? Introduce the programme What do you think is going to happen to you? What do you think of that? What do you know so far? *Discuss the use of the question box. Pupils put in an initial question. *Play the naming Game (Puberty Sexuality Relay) 2.Discuss how we receive information. What do we do with that information Discuss *View the Owning/Grounding overhead. Discussion how do we receive our information. How do we know that the information is true? How do we make decisions about the information we receive 3. Understand the changes associated with puberty and that these changes are natural. Do the mixer activity Answer the question box Discuss the growth charts sequence 1-4 Name the male and female body parts using overheads External changes and internal changes (OHP 3) Look at lack of sleep during these stages Discuss the case descriptions Page 34 and over heads Summarize activity. 4.What causes these changes? What happens when the sex glands activate What happens to males and females? Question Box What happens to girls?- The menstrual cycle (OHP) What does this mean, What happens, Why does it happen Look at the menstruation myths. What happens to boys- Erections wet dreams, voice change? Why do boys become erect? What happens? Morning Erections. Why do boys/girls have wet dreams? Discuss male and female masturbation
5. Review the changes in puberty in video form. Video Raging Teens Discuss 6.Question time with a health professional Girls to have discussion with the health nurse Open question time. 7. What are relationships? Why are relationships important? Why does stereo typing happen? Relationships Discuss questions in group. What are the different types of relationships? Why do we have them? How do we behave in different relationships? What is Love? What are the different types of love? (photographs) Define stereo typing(using a range of photographs students match the type of person to the photograph) Discuss selection 8.Conception and contraception Discuss the process on conception? How do people get pregnant, what happens during pregnancy? What are the consequences of becoming pregnant for the male and female? How can we stop becoming pregnant?(OHPS 7,8,9)
9.Maintaining a sense of well being. Forming daily routines Discuss question box Draw up a list of routines that are important for a healthy body: washing, changing clothes, using deodorants. Dealing with pimples 10.Peer Pressure How can peers influence the decisions you make? How do we cope with peer pressure especially in terms of sexuality Using a range of role play activities students discuss how peers play a strong part on how you act. Class discussions 11.Dealing with teasing and other pressures How do we cope with teasing? Why do people tease? Review the different types of behaviours that people show: assertive, aggressive, passive. How these behaviours can reflect how you are treated(Activity7) Page Summarize and evaluate. Assessment will be in oral form.