Class Rules and Procedures 2013-2014
Class Procedures You will wait in the hallway quietly and in single file until your teacher invites you in. When you come into the class, sit down in your seat, take out your composition notebook and a pencil. Place everything else underneath your desk or table.
Test yourself If the bell rang, but the teacher has not asked you to come into the classroom, what should you do? Where should you put your belongings when you sit down? Should there be anything in the aisles?
The class officers will begin their jobs (we will vote online for class officers). President: Reads the daily agenda/tasks and solicits answers from the class. Vice-President: Stamps completed work only (also does President’s job if President is absent. *Stamps can be counted and used as extra credit on a test, or as a free homework grade if you have all of your stamps for the week* Secretary: Takes attendance and gives make-up assignments to absent students. Assistant Secretary: Collects homework and passes out graded work or daily handouts.
Class Procedures, continued Each student will write the daily agenda/tasks in his or her composition notebook. All class exercises will start on the same page. When the teacher is done talking, you may raise your hand quietly to ask a question. If the teacher asks a question, you also need to rasie your hand quietly to answer. No “Oh, oh! I know this!”, etc.
What should you be doing while the class officers begin their jobs? When is an appropriate time to ask a question? Should you interrupt the teacher?
If you need to use the bathroom, you must take the hall pass hanging by my door. If it is not there, you may not go to the bathroom. DO NOT disturb the class when you get up to go to the bathroom. If your pencil is not sharpened, you may quietly get up and put your unsharpened pencil in the container and get a sharpened pencil out. DO NOT sharpen your pencil in class. This will distract other students.
What should you do if you have a question or would like to answer a question? When may you go to the bathroom? What is the procedure for going to the bathroom? What should you do if your pencil is not sharpened?
Testing Procedures On testing day, you are allowed to use your composition notebook, your dictionary and a pencil. The Class Secretary and Assistant Secretary will pass out folders to make private work stations so you can take your test.
Testing Procedures, continued Do not begin your test until the teacher says to begin. If you do not put your first name, last name, and class period on your test you will lose 5 points. When you are finished with your test, turn your paper over and put your head down. Once I collect your test, you may read quietly. *If you don’t have your stamps with you on testing day, you will not receive extra credit!!!*
Questions What am I allowed to use on a test? How can I get extra credit for tests? What happens if I forget to put my last name on my test?
Dismissal Procedures The bell does not dismiss you. I do. When I tell the week’s class cleaner to clean the room, he or she will make sure there is no trash, nobody has writing on his or her desk/table, and all books and materials are in their proper places.
Dismissal Procedures, continued When I tell you it is time to get up, QUIETLY gather your belongings, push in your chair, and stand by your seat. I will have the class line up by table. When I call your table, line up quietly. Do not enter the hallway until I instruct you to do so.
Hallway Procedures (For all 7th grade teachers) Walk in a single-file line. Do not walk side-by-side. Keep the noise level in the hallway VERY low. Do not go to the bathroom or to your locker during transition for any reason. Walk at a normal pace; DO NOT run. Line up by your next teacher’s door and wait to be invited in.
What should I do when the bell rings? What do I do if I need another binder or book for my next class, but I left it in my locker? May I use the bathroom during transition?
Rules specific to Señora de Flores’ class Keep noise level low at all times, so that all students can learn. Respect your peers and teacher at all times. Come to class prepared. Have your uniform on properly and come with all materials needed to be successful in class. Use technology only when instructed to do so by teacher. Any unauthorized use will result in your technology being collected until your parent comes to get it. Do not use online translators to do your homework. You may, however, use and to help you.
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