VEX SuperQuest workshop 8/7/2017
9:30 Welcome Introductions Name School Experience One thing you want to get from this workshop
Approximate Schedule Day 1: RobotC Fundamentals Using The Virtual World 8:30 – 9:00 Registration /Snacks 9:00 Welcome: Introductions/Schedule for workshop 9:15 – 9:30 VEX In Oregon 9:30 – 12:00 Let’s get moving in the Virtual World 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch and Learn 1:00 – 2:00 Adding sense to your program. 2:00 – 3:00 Adding Control to the program 3:00 – 4:00 ‘In the Zone’ in a Virtual World Closing End of the Day: Good, Bad, Improvements Challenges: Obstacle course (Smith creates), VEX Soccer
Approximate Schedule Day 2: VEX Robot Building Best Practices + Programming 8:30 – 9:00 Registration/Snacks 9:00 Welcome Back 9:15 – 10:00 Drive Train Best Practices 10:00 – 12:00 Build Time 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch and Learn 1:00 : Best Practices: Arms 1:30 Build Time 2:00 Best Practices: Manipulators 2:30 Programming the Physical Robot: Movement, Shaft Encoders, Sensors 3:30 Programming the Remote: Joystick mapping, Timers, Buttons 4:00 What do you want to be sure to cover on the last day?
This schedule can adjust depending on the needs of the class. Approximate Schedule This schedule can adjust depending on the needs of the class. Day 3: More programming + Challenges 8:30 – 9:00 Registration/Snacks 9:00 Welcome Back 9:15 More Programming Refining driver control: Creep, protect motors, more control Using limit switches with arm movement 10:30 Physical Programming Challenges 11:00 -12:00 Programming with the Competition Template 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch and Learn 1:00 – 2:30 Lab time: Cover requested topics Prepare for In-The0Zone Scrimmage 2:30 Scrimmage 3:30 Clean up 4:00 Survey and Event Closes
VEX In Oregon Schedule How Qualifying Tournaments work Competition and Awards How the State Championship works Advancement to Worlds Costs
VEX Schedule for Oregon 10/14/2017 VEX Idea Factory: West Salem HS (Free) 10/28/2017 Sandy High School Early Tournament 11/11/2017 Redmond High School 12/2/2017 West Salem High School 1/13/2018 Toledo HS and Sandy HS 1/20/2018 Bend High School 1/26/2018 West Salem HS: Friday afternoon/evening 1/27/2018 West Salem HS: Saturday Event 2/17/2018 North Marion 3/9-10/2018 State Championship hosted by Chemeketa CC 4/20-21/2018 SkillsUSA State Leadership Conference: VEX Robotics Element 4/25-28/2018 VEX World Championship Louisville, KY VEX Idea Factory to Coaches and Teams. VEX In Oregon, Look at best practices, lab time, practice matches, practice skills challenge, looking for sponsorship to cover lunches.
VEX Qualifying Tournaments Stand-Alone Qualifying Tournaments of 16 – 32+ teams Most cost $30/team, hosts set the fees Teams are encouraged to compete in two to four Qualifying Tournaments. Register at Teams that win Qualifying Tournaments advance to the State Championship, Platinum Division. Excellence Award Winner All teams on the Winning Alliance Design Award Winner (If 25+ teams in the Qualifying tournament) Teams that participate in at least two Qualifying Tournaments also qualify for the State Championship, Gold Division. Wait List
Hosting Qualifying Tournaments In Oregon if you host a Qualifying Tournament then all of your teams can compete in other Oregon Tournaments at a discount Estimating +/- $5/team. Final value still in discussion
Judged Awards Given at Events Judges Team that deserves special recognition for efforts leading up to, and during, the event Design Team with a professional design approach Engineering Notebooks required Excellence Overall top honor in the VEX Robotics Competition based on Rank after Qualifying Rounds Rank in Programming Skills Rank in Robot Skills Awards where they were considered as finalists Engineering Notebooks Required
Oregon State Championship Platinum Division Gold Division Qualifying About 1/3 of teams Qualify by Performance Qualifying Tournament Champions Excellence Award Winners Design Award Winners are larger events Filled in based on Skills Challenge Scores over the course of the season. Top Teams Qualify for World Championship. Tournament Champions Excellence Award Winners: High School and Middle School Possibly Design If a team double qualifies, the next highest Skills Challenge Score fills in. Qualification Participate in at least two qualifying tournaments Awards Given Gold Division State Champions Gold Division Excellence Gold Division Design Gold Division Judges Award winners do not advance to Worlds
These have not been finalized for 2017-2018 Advancement to Worlds These have not been finalized for 2017-2018 Last Year Oregon had Six High School Slots The three teams on the Platinum Division Winning Alliance The Excellence Award Winner The Design Award Winner The top ‘Skills Challenge’ score over the course of the season. If a team double qualified, then the slot is giving to the next highest unqualified Skills Challenge over the course of the season Oregon has one Middle School Only Slot Excellence Award Winner
Costs Registration Costs Robot Kit Costs Tournament fees Worlds $150 First Team $100 Each additional Team Robot Kit Costs $1000-$1500 First Year $100+ Successive years. This can go up significantly Aluminum Pneumatics Motors Breaking Tournament fees Most likely $30/team/event Worlds $850 / team + flight + Hotel +…
Discounts/Grants Oregon Event Host Discount Host an event you can attend other events ‘at cost’ (+/- $5 per registered team.) VEX New Team Grant Application season=119 This link is also on the Resources page for this workshop
Questions? On to programming in RobotC with the Virtual World