Power Electronics Market Size, Share, Trends, Demand and Growth Forecast to 2023 The global power electronics market is likely to grow from $12.9 billion in 2015 to $20.0 billion by P ower electronics is used in various power electronics market industries such as automotive, power & energy, IC T, consumer electronics, and aerospace & defense; however, among thes e industries, the largest user of power electronics is consumer electronics industry. G et a free sample of this research report: electronics-market/report-sample electronics-market/report-sample As per the research findings, among the various devices, power discrete has been the largest market. The power modules segment is expected to witness fas tes t growth in demand during the forecast period. Among the various end-users, the global power electronics market has been generating maximum revenue through the consumer electronics segment. G eographically, Asia-P acific has been the largest revenue contributor to the global power electronics market. C hina has been the largest market in Asia-P acific, while the U.S. led the North American market. G ermany has been the major E uropean market, whereas U.A.E. stood as the largest market in R est of the World. E xplore report at: analysis/power-electronics-market analysis/power-electronics-market P ower density is a prime factor in the P E industry, particularly in high- power applications. F or instance, P E devices in electric rail traction drives, wind power generators, inverter systems, and solar power generators use P E devices to increase their operational efficiency. Vendors in the market are investing in R &D to develop devices that work at higher power density levels. P E devices have several advantages, such as less driving power, s implified circuits, and optimum forward and reverse blocking capabilities, which can enable them to work in higher power densities. F urthermore, compact P E device designs are the ideal choices for usage in high power densities. Thus, the escalation in demand for higher power density in numerous high- power applications is one of the drivers for the growth of the global market.
Make enquiry before buying the report: url=power-electronics-market url=power-electronics-market S ome of the key players in the global market include NXP S emiconductors N.V., Infineon Technologies AG, S TMicroelectronics N.V., ON S emiconductor, Vishay Intertechnology Inc., Microsemi C orporation, Toshiba C orporation, Texas Instrumentation Inc., and ABB L td.