Cholesterol and the Tumescent Member
A healthy body is a wonderful thing for a man to have; few things are as precious as good health. It’s also worth noting that a man’s overall health can have an impact specifically on his male organ health. Since men take great pride in manhood health and the impressive tumescent member that benefits from that health, guys should also spend time thinking about how things that affect their overall health may also sneak up and attack that tumescent member. And what might be able to do such a thing? Well, one thing could be cholesterol.
About cholesterol Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is naturally made in the liver. There’s a “good” kind of cholesterol, usually called HDL, and a “bad” kind, known as LDL. HDL goes around and helps remove LDL, so having high levels of HDL is a good thing; but a high level of LDL is bad. When there’s a lot of LDL, it causes plaque to build up in the arteries. This excess plaque “narrows” the arteries, so that blood has a harder time flowing through them. (This is called atherosclerosis.) Sometimes it can result in heart attack or stroke. This is why it is so vital that men keep their cholesterol levels under control. As mentioned, cholesterol is made naturally in the liver. But diet affects the ultimate amount of cholesterol in the body and usually is the reason why cholesterol levels get out of hand.
Tumescent member issue The fact that high cholesterol can affect the coronary arteries and lead to serious cardiac issues is the main reason to be concerned about cholesterol. But the fact is, it can affect other arteries as well – including those that involve the manhood and surrounding areas. When plaque builds up in the male organ arteries, it impedes the flow of blood – which is crucial for a properly functioning member, especially in terms of attaining and maintaining tumescence. In addition, cholesterol is thought to impede production of nitric oxide, which is used to help keep blood vessels open. So bad cholesterol not only helps narrow arteries, it also decreases one of the elements which can help open them up – a double whammy for a tumescent member!
In addition, some scientists believe that cholesterol affects production of male hormone. This hormone is a key component in maintaining sensual drive, so too much cholesterol may mean too little male hormone which in turn may mean a diminished sensual drive.
What to do Keeping bad cholesterol at bay is crucial for a guy’s health. There are several things a man can do if he wants to lower his cholesterol (after checking with his doctor to get approval). - Maintain a low fat diet. Eat more vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains and lean proteins. Avoid saturated fats and junk foods. - Exercise. Bering physically active and keeping the body in better physical shape will also help keep cholesterol levels lower. - Take medication. If the doctor recommends it, there are several mediations available which can help keep cholesterol levels in check.
Keeping cholesterol at an appropriate level will decrease the chances of a tumescent member issue due to cholesterol. It also helps to maintain overall health, which means a man’s daily regimen should include application of a first class male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a crème that include vitamin B5. Why? Because B5 is also known as pantothenic acid, and pantothenic acid is thought to help fight against LDL cholesterol. In addition, the crème should include L-arginine. This is an amino acid which plays a role in boosting nitric oxide – and since cholesterol can dampen nitric oxide production (which opens manhood blood vessels), this can be a plus.male organ health crème