What Every Guy Should Know About Manhood Warts


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Presentation transcript:

What Every Guy Should Know About Manhood Warts

When a man sees anything that comes close to resembling a wart on his member, he might freak right out – and for good reason. Anything that mars the equipment not only has the opportunity to put a damper on his sensual life, but the idea of midsection warts can really make a man wonder where he got them, what it might mean for his future, and much more. It’s important to understand this rather common member problem and how to handle the issue of manhood warts if they do show up.

How common are manhood warts? Though manhood warts might seem like a terrifying ordeal, they are actually quite common. Skin warts are caused by HPV, an extremely common virus that most people will be exposed to in their lifetime. In fact, there are over 70 strains of HPV, and though most of them show up with no symptoms at all, some of them do lead to manhood warts. The good news is that manhood warts caused by HPV are not a life sentence. In most cases, the immune system fights back and gets rid of the warts within two years of their first appearance. However, the idea of living with warts on the member for two years can be enough to make a man look for treatment alternatives.

How to treat manhood warts As with most male organ problems, the best way to treat manhood warts is to visit the doctor. Once there, a few treatments might be recommended: 1) Prescription creams. Many men will opt for prescription creams, which can lessen the appearance of warts while it helps to shrink them. It will still take a while for them to disappear, but the time a man must live with them can be shortened considerably. 2) Cryotherapy. Men who have dealt with other types of warts, such as those that commonly appear on the hands or feet, will be familiar with this treatment. It involves the use of liquid nitrogen to “freeze” the wart, thus killing it. The wart will then fall off within a short period of time.

3) Electric cauterization. In this treatment, a man is given a local anesthetic to numb any pain, then an electrical current is applied to the area of the wart. The result is killing the wart and just as with the liquid nitrogen, the problem should clear up rather quickly. 4) Watch and wait. Though most men will not like to hear this as an option, many doctors will choose the “watch and wait” policy when it comes to manhood warts. This is especially indicated if a man has other problems that might mean he shouldn’t undergo treatments, such as an underlying medical condition that might make the treatments dangerous for him. In this case, a man will want to do everything he can to boost his immune system in the hopes that it will take over and eradicate the warts sooner rather than later.

When a man has manhood warts, it’s best to avoid sensual contact with anyone. This is because even if a man uses barrier protections, the HPV in his body can be alive and well on the skin elsewhere in the midsection, and that means he can pass the problem on to a partner even if they practice safer coupling. HPV vaccinations might be helpful in lowering a man’s risk of contracting HPV again. And if a man does choose treatments rather than “watch and wait” methods, he will want to avoid sensual activity during the time it takes the body to heal.

No matter the male organ problems a man might face, it pays to keep the member in excellent health so it can better fight off manhood warts and other issues. This can be helped along with a powerful manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). In addition to a wealth of vitamins and nutrients, a guy can also look for a crème that contains alpha lipoic acid, which helps fight excess free radicals that can lead to premature aging of the skin. manhood health crème