Sharing Experience of doing Lesson Study: What is going on in Malaysia? AP Dr LIM Chap Sam School of Educational Studies Universiti Sains Malaysia
Lesson study projects in Malaysia:. Since when and How many Lesson study projects in Malaysia: * Since when and How many? *What have we done?
An exploratory Lesson study on 5 Malaysian trainee teachers (2004) 3
1st Lesson Study project (2004-5) Two secondary schools in Kedah, 16 mathematics teachers, positive feedback 4
APEC Tsukuba International Conference "Innovative Teaching Mathematics through Lesson Study“ at Tokyo, Japan (2006 ) 5
APEC Tsukuba International Conference "Innovative Teaching Mathematics through Lesson Study“ at Tokyo, Japan (2006 ) 5 years project: Year 1: Jan-Jun 2006 -- promoting good practice through Lesson Study Year 2: Dec 2006- August 2007 -- focus on mathematical thinking Year 3: 2008 -- focus on communication in mathematics Year 4: 2009 -- focus on evaluation/assessment Year 5: 2010 -- focus on integration 6
Promoting Lesson Study in Malaysia: 2006 February APEC project phase I– LS group in a residential school, focus on good practices
2007 APEC project II: focus on mathematical thinking One SJKC in Penang – 2 classes, 8 mathematics teachers
Innovative Use of GSP through Lesson Study Collaboration (2007-8) Set up 3 Lesson Study groups in 3 secondary schools; Result: a book of experience sharing, a CD of GSP sketches and an example of Lesson Study cycle (movie)
A collaboration between SEAMEO-RECSAM and PPIP, USM 2008: Innovations for teaching and learning primary mathematics through lesson study focusing on mathematical thinking and communication 10 Lesson Study groups in 10 Primary schools in Penang A collaboration between SEAMEO-RECSAM and PPIP, USM
Lesson study projects in Malaysia: How many? Since 2004-2009, there are at least 10 primary schools and 5 secondary schools in Penang and Kedah participated in Lesson Study projects. Also 1 secondary and 1 primary school in Miri Sarawak. - Two PhD + 1 Med students graduated/graduating.
Issues and Challenges of Lesson Study Time Commitment Administrative supports
Future plans African-Asia dialogue, 22-26 March 2010, Penang, Malaysia Proposal for collaboration projects among A-A countries: Title: Promoting collaborative teaching culture through Lesson Study: Focus on developing student thinking in four major school subjects.
Objectives of the Project to promote collaborative teaching culture among teachers in low performing schools through setting up lesson study groups. These Lesson Study group will provide a platform for teacher discussion and reflection on their teaching practices. Through peer support and collaboration, teachers’ content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge could be improved. This project focuses on promoting student thinking in four major school subjects (Malay language, English, Mathematics and Science) through ways of professional development such as Lesson Study.
The Plan The project collaborators: USM, SEAMEO-RECSAM, MOE, State Education Department, Majlis Guru Cemerlang, primary Schools. The Lesson Study team in each school will consist of: school administrator: Head master, senior assistant, department head; Subject teachers External adviser – either Guru Cemerlang, lecturer, JPN officer, postgraduate students/teachers with LS experience
The procedure 1. Workshop/seminar : aims to introduce Lesson Study concepts to all Lesson Study team members i.e. school administrators; subject teachers; Guru Cemerlang, lecturer, JPN officer, postgraduate students; An open class demonstration of Lesson Study will also be given in the seminar to provide examples. 2. Lesson Study cycles in schools – Continuous monitoring and support by external advisers; 3. A series of workshops – aims to provide inputs that promote student thinking (e.g. mathematical thinking, scientific thinking and literacy0 4 Year end conference: aims to disseminate research products (e.g. lesson plans + video lessons + teaching aids); sharing of experiences and reflections among teachers/Lesson Study team members
Thank you for your attention Hope everybody enjoy doing Lesson Study like these teachers