Tally training in Chandigarh CBitss Technologies SCO , Level 3,Near Passport office,Sector 34 A, Chandigarh /
Accounting basics Accountant can not take the dream without learn the basics of manual accountings. If you do not know the accounting rules first of all learn accounting basics for this you have to learn the rules of journal entries for this click → Accounting basics
Company Creation When you feel that you are perfect in manual journal entry then this will the right time for you to create the company for learning company creation you can see full video → Company Creation Video or see the written detail
Company Alteration Company alteration is very easy first of select any company by clicking company info button after this select a company whose name you want to change then you must go to alter mode in same company info here your can alter or change your company name, address or passward
Company Ending / Delete Deleting of company is also very easy, for this you just press Alt+D in alter mode
Ledger Creation In Ledger creation, you online write in ledger creation form and keep it in specific group for seeing specific group click ledger creation procedure → Video → Written directions In ledger creation you want to create your ledger in account info in the gate way of company then you will go to ledger and then go to create
Ledger Alteration If you want to change your created ledger, then you only have to go alter mode in ledger create and change the name, under head name or change the opening balance of your ledger accoun
Ledger Ending / Delete When you reach your ledger form by following step Account inf →ledger→alter Here for delete ledger press Alt + d then press enter and enter
Multiple Ledger Creation Account inf →ledger→ multiple ledger creation fastly
Voucher Entries Voucher entries are very simple for this you must know basic rules of journal entries
Voucher Entries Alteration voucher entries can be alter in display then go to day book here you can change your voucher entry
Voucher Entries Ending /Delete in above point you can also delete you voucher entry by pressing Alt+d
Making the Accounts of Branch and Department You can learn also the making the accounts of branch and department in tally13. Use of Multicurrency
Feature F11 Configuration F12 Explanations of different automatic created financial statements
VAT Excise duty Different Adjustments & rectifications of Errors and mistakes Export of Tally data
CBitss Technologies SCO , Level 3,Near Passport office,Sector 34 A, Chandigarh Call / Website: