Poverty Alleviation Through Community Extension By Mr. Allah Dad Khan
Poverty-According to Report 20 June 2016 ( UNDP) According to the report, nearly 39 percent of Pakistanis live in multidimensional poverty, with the highest rates of poverty in FATA and Baluchistan. Pakistan’s MPI showed a strong decline, with national poverty rates falling from 55% to 39% from 2004 to However progress across different regions of Pakistan is uneven. Poverty in urban areas is 9.3 percent as compared to 54.6 percent in rural areas. Disparities also exist across provinces
Poverty -According to Report 20 th June 2016 ( UNDP) The Multidimensional Poverty Index uses a broader concept of poverty than income and wealth alone. It reflects the deprivations people experience with respect to health, education and standard of living, and is thus a more detailed way of understanding and alleviating poverty
Poverty-According to Report 20th June 2016 ( UNDP) The report found that over two-thirds of people in FATA (73 percent) and Baluchistan (71 percent) live in multidimensional poverty. Poverty in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa stands at 49 percent, Gilgit-Baltistan and Sindh at 43 percent, Punjab at 31 percent and Azad Jammu and Kashmir at 25 percent
What Extension do? 1.Extension needs to address vulnerability as well as productivity and to offer new options from which poor 2.Households can choose according to their circumstances. 3.The design of extension strategies must take account of differing degrees of market integration, which determine 4.The degree to which the poor can take advantage of market opportunities. 5.Extension strategies need to differentiate between highly- and weakly-integrated areas and acknowledge the 6.Need to take difficult decisions between supporting production strategies, on the one hand, and broader-based 7.livelihood extension, on the other. 8. Extension should offer a wider range of services, some focused on support to production and others focused on 9.Wider livelihood support, targeted according to an analysis of a particular area’s market integration, degree of 10.Vulnerability, and production prospects.
What Extension do? 11.The need to draw explicit links between pro-poor policy and the role of extension, though these may be both through direct and indirect effects; the need to learn about how the poor benefit in different ways from investment in extension (as producers, consumers, laborers, citizens); 12.The need specifically to analyze the mix of signals and incentives that are sent to frontline extension staff (e.g. objectives such as poverty alleviation, modernization and aggregate production increase),and how these staff interpret their roles and priorities
Solutions /Remedies to Overcome the Poverty in Pakistan 1. Economic liberalization by extending property rights protection to the poor. 2. Investing in Infrastructure, education and appropriate technology 3.Employment and productivity 4.Buliding opportunities for self sufficiency 5.Micro loans for small farmers 6. Empowering women through their involvement 7.Donate things you do not use to charity 8.Donate food that wont spoil to food banks 9.Education 10.Lots of opportunities 11.Provision
The major constraints faced by agriculture in Pakistan are: 1. Low availability and productivity of water, for irrigation. 2. Primitive nature of farming, still exist 3. Waterlogging and salinity, in some places 4. Problematic marketing system, local and district market 5. Complex agriculture credit institutions, for obtaining loan by small famers. 6. Inadequate research and extension services, 7. Under utilization of land resources, 8. Achievable yield potential, 9. Non-development of rain fed area 10. Dwindling land units, 11. Poor infra-structure, 12. Pricing and quality of input
How We Alleviate Poverty Through Community Extension Services
Community Extension Services (Agriculture Extension ) 1.Formation of Farmers /community based Organizations. 2.Agriculture inputs sale center at Farmers door steps (Commercialization of provision of inputs through incentives to the private sector for inputs such as fertilizers and other agrochemicals; ) 3.Community capacity building through training and visit. 4.Collective Marketing through Farm Services enters ( Market Information system) 5.Farm to Market Road 6. Income generation projects/ Cottage Industry (Encouraging Processing through adequate incentives to SMEs from such funds as the Agricultural Development Funds) 7. One Village One Product
Community Extension Services ( Agriculture Extension) 8.Medicinal Plants Conservation and Cultivation 9.Agro and social forestry 10. Introduction of High Yield varieties of crops, fruits and vegetables. 11. Training of Agriculture Extension Workers.(Basic Skills and Entrepreneurship Training (BEST) 12.Cooperative Farming (Assistance in forming co- operatives) 13.New Intervention in Agriculture 14.Organic Farming 15. Promotion of Agriculture Education at basic level. 16. Credit for Agriculture to land and landless farmers
Community Extension Services ( Agriculture Extension) 17. Exposure Visit to communities. 18.Apiculture., 19.Mushroom Cultivation 20.Kitchen Gardening 21. Production Incentives that Encourage growth in the Rural areas should be advanced. 22. Increasing Irrigated areas for food production which will make people to be gain fully employed even during the dry season
Community Extension Services ( Livestock Extension Services) 1.Training of LEW 2.Fodde Production Technology updated 3.Back Yard Poultry Farming 4.Pheasents Farming 5.Breed Improvement 6.Goat and Sheep management 7.Artificial insemination 8.Pasture Management 9. Credit for Livestock. 10.Mall Mandi
Community Extension Services (Natural Resource Management ) 1.Biodiversity conservation 2. Conservation of Forests 3.Wild Life Conservation 4.Water Management 5. Energy management through Hydel Power 6. Agri Tourism 7. Exploitation of Natural Beauty of Area. 8.Reforestation and Afforestation 9.
Community Extension Services ( Women Empowerment) 1. Women Organization strengthening. 2. Women Capacity development through training in different sectors 3.Provision of micro credit. 4. Women Projects at Community Level 5.Women Employment Opportunity 6. Apiculture 7.Fruit Preservation 8.Kitchen Gardening 9. Forest Nursery Production 10 Medicinal Plants Wild and Cultivated 11. Education
Community Extension (Fisheries Extension Services ) Services 1, Development of Fisheries 2.Trout 3. Ponds 4.Fish Marketing.