Tally training in Chandigarh Tally ERP 9 Release India
GST TransactionsGST ReportsVAT Accounting Vouchers Audit and Compliance Banking Data ManagementInventory Reports Product Improvements
Updates in GST Transactions ● Now you can quickly save vouchers in a company where e-Way Bill is enabled. ● Stock item names were duplicated when a sales voucher was exported in the PDF format. This occurred when the voucher date was on or after the effective date for e-Way Bill, and the stock items had the same tax rates. This issue is resolved. ● GSTIN/UIN and company details appeared twice in the second page of the printed tax invoice. This occurred when the invoice had five or more HSN/SAC codes and was configured to print GST analysis and HSN/SAC details. This issue is resolved. ● While altering a POS invoice, rate per unit was appearing incorrectly when the option Allow entry of rate inclusive of tax for stock items? was disabled. This issue is resolved. ● The error Failed to Create File!!! appeared on exporting the e-Way Bill details before saving the invoice, if the voucher number had special characters other than - (dash) and / (forward slash). This issue is resolved.
● In a printed invoice, the GST Rate appeared as 0% and the tax analysis section did not appear for transactions recorded on or after 1st February This occurred when more than one company having the same stock item name, with a difference in case (one in upper case and the other in lower case) were opened, and the invoice was recorded in one of the companies by selecting this stock item. This issue is resolved. ● Tax analysis did not appear in printed interstate sales invoices recorded on or after 1st February This occurred when the nature of transaction was changed to SEZ - LUT/Bond with tax rate in the invoice. This issue is resolved. ● In a POS invoice, the State name selected in Party Details was changing to the company's state name, resulting in the calculation of central and state tax, instead of integrated tax. This issue is resolved.
● The state name and code of a buyer in India appeared for the consignee of a foreign country. This occurred when the invoice was configured to Allow separate buyer and consignee names, and printed by enabling the option Print State Name & State Code. This issue is resolved. ● While printing invoices in the pre-printed format, the column headings did not appear in GST analysis. This issue is resolved. ● The option Is Bill of Entry available? appeared in the Party Details screen in all purchase transactions. This issue is resolved, and this option will now appear only in purchases from parties defined as SEZ. ● The heading and field names in the GST Details screen of a party ledger were compressed when multiple mailing details were enabled in a company where GST, VAT, and excise were activated. This issue is resolved. ● In a POS invoice, the Rate per unit calculated based on Rate (Incl. of Tax) in the previous invoice appeared in the subsequent invoice, even if the Rate (Incl. of Tax) was changed. This issue is resolved.
● Now you can enter the Shipping bill no. and Port code in the GST Details screen in a nil rated export sales transaction, and capture the same details in the e-return exported in the JSON format. ● You can now record deemed export transactions (interstate and intrastate) with reverse charge and view them in the relevant GST reports. ● The VAT invoice could not be printed in the print preview mode when the option Print Item-wise GST details? was enabled in print configuration. This issue is resolved.
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