Online School Management 3-Must Have Features in
Many Benefits of School Application
Provides a single interface so that you don’t have to deal with multiple applications You don’t have to deal with redundant records, so there is no wastage of resources. There is complete automation of all operations.
Feature-1: Management of Online Applications In the online school management system, there must be a feature to manage the online applications.
The system could be configured to provide various notifications.
The interface should be available in many languages.
Feature-2: Can Manage Testing The school management application should support proper testing of the students.
It should support various types of questions, i.e., multiple choices, multiple responses, fill in blanks, etc.
It should also support, fill in blanks, image- based questions.
It also supports case-study based questions and simulation-based questions.
Feature-3: Should Offer Proper Security The system should come with proper access restrictions
It should also come with dual authentications
The overall security of an application should be such that it should offer dual authentications
Conclusions The system should be such that it should be effective. The system should be delivered expected results.