Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association About the NDTA in 2013
Concepts and Treatment Began Over 60 Years Ago Mrs. Berta Bobath, Physiotherapist and Dr. Karel Bobath
From Bobath Approach to “NDT” “The Bobath Approach”, the original approach, began in England, 1940’s. NDT is not a method, but an evolving, “living concept” in management. “Give life, not exercise.” Berta Bobath
From Bobath Approach to “NDT” In the 1960’s, the Bobath's renamed their concept “NeuroDevelopmental Treatment”. Mary Quinton, physiotherapist, and Dr. Elsbeth Köng, pediatrician, were acknowledged by the Bobath's to teach Bobath courses. They expanded and further developed “NeuroDevelopmental Treatment” as applied to the problems of infants with a suspected diagnosis of cerebral palsy.
What is the NDT Approach? The NDT Approach is used for management and treatment of individuals with Central Nervous System pathophysiology. The individual’s strengths and impairments are identified and addressed in relation to functional abilities and limitations.
What is the NDT Approach? The NDT Approach continues to evolve with the emergence of new theories, models, research, and information in the movement sciences.
What is the NDT Approach? NDT is a hands-on, problem solving approach. Intervention involves direct handling and guidance to optimize function. Approach is guided by the client’s reactions throughout every treatment session.
Collaboration in NDT An NDT-trained therapist’s education in neurology, physiology, and current research is translated into daily practice. They work collaboratively with patients, families caregivers, and other healthcare professionals to develop individualized comprehensive treatment programs based on NDT theory and philosophy. Education Theory Caregiver Support Research
What is NDTA? The Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association is a non-profit organization comprised of members who are PT’s, OT’s, SLP’s, Therapist Assistants as well as clients and families who are all dedicated to promoting the theory and principles of the NDT approach.
The purpose of the Association is to promote the NDT Approach by: Mission of the NDTA The purpose of the Association is to promote the NDT Approach by: Providing specialized clinical training to health care professionals Offering educational services to the membership, clients and families and community Supporting clinical research Offering opportunities for clients and families to access information and resources
NDTA Supports Continuing Education NDTA has designed post graduate continuing education courses for physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech- language pathologists and assistant therapists.
NDTA Courses Emphasize Philosophies and Principles Therapists who are NDT-Trained have completed advanced, hands-on training with highly skilled and knowledgeable instructors.
NDTA Courses Emphasize Philosophies and Principles NDT Approach focuses on an in-depth understanding of causes of impairments and development of abnormal movement patterns. Then it addresses quality of movement utilizing principles of movement science.
NDTA Courses Emphasize Analytical Skills Course participants are taught to break down “step-by-step”: Patterns of typical and atypical movement Alignment and postural development Biomechanical components Sensory and movement experiences
NDTA Courses Emphasize Problem-Solving Skills The NDT Approach is intended to maximize function, minimize impairments, and prevent disabilities while enhancing quality of life throughout the lifespan.
NDTA Courses Emphasize Interaction Towards Independence The NDT Approach involves individuals, caregivers and families, and the interdisciplinary team in assessment, planning, and treatment application to optimize function and independence.
NDTA Approved Courses NDTA approved adult and pediatric certificate courses NDTA Approved Advanced training courses NDTA Approved Seminars NDTA sponsored Annual and Specialty Conferences
NDTA Approved Courses NDTA approved courses are taught by NDT Coordinator Instructors and OT, PT, and SLP Instructors. To date, courses have been held in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Columbia, China, Argentina, Singapore, Ireland, Brazil, Spain and Peru.
NDTA Approved Courses Course Topics Include: Adult Head Trauma Infant and Baby Courses Hand Function and Fine Motor Control Facilitating Movement During Functional Activity Gait Courses Handling and Problem Solving Treatment Strategies for Respiratory Function Phonatory Function Oral Motor Function Trunk Control Upper and Lower Extremity Courses
NDTA Approved Certificate Courses “NDTA/Bobath Certificate Course in the Management of Adults With Stroke and Brain Injury” “NDTA/Bobath Certificate Course in the Management and Treatment of Children with Cerebral Palsy and other Neuromotor Disorders”
NDTA Approved Certificate Courses To become an NDT-Trained therapist, you must successfully complete either the 261 hour pediatric or the 120 hour adult course. Criteria for acceptance into the courses has been jointly established by NDTA, Inc. and course faculty to ensure high standards for continuing education. Course acceptance is determined through the application process which examines professional experience and current licensure/registration.
NDTA Approved Certificate Courses Respected in Continuing Education: Over the past 4 decades over 20,000 therapists have been trained in the NDT Approach!
NDTA Approved Certificate Courses "During the course, I felt that I wasn't just learning some "extra information" that would assist me in my treatment sessions, but that I was building a foundation on which to stand as a therapist. The course gave me the tools to thoroughly evaluate my clients, looking not only at their limitations, but their abilities. " Bickham J. When I Grow Up I Want to Be an NDT-Trained PT. NDTA Network. 2009; 16(1): 1-15 Update comments from 208/2009 courses
NDTA Approved Certificate Courses “I highly recommend this course to any PT, OT, or SLP who wants to strengthen their evaluation skills and ability to develop functional outcome treatment sessions. After 30 years of being a PT, this course has re-oriented my thinking and my focus regarding both of these things.” - ET, Harris, NY Update comments from 2008/2009 course
NDT Certified Status - C/NDT All individuals who have successfully completed an NDTA Approved Certificate course may apply for NDT Certification. Recognition for the knowledge acquired & the continuous process of updating information that is involved in being NDT therapists. Integrate current NDT Theory & Practice. Prestige in NDT Certification accomplishments. Advanced level certifications are at times required by employers or state & local agencies.
The Vision of NDTA Membership: NDTA fosters development of this treatment approach through: Continuing Education Educational Services to the Community Support for Clinical Research Client and Family Advocacy
NDTA Is Internationally Recognized. NDTA’s Membership Look How Far We’ve Come! NDTA Is Internationally Recognized. NDTA members are represented in all 50 states, Canada, Mexico, and in 34 other countries.
Membership Has Its Benefits Research opportunities and resources for evidence-based practice: Includes research articles, resources, text, abstracts, poster presentations, and annotated bibliographies. NDTA Small Grant Awards are available and allocated annually to fund on-going research.
Membership Has Its Benefits Evidence-Based Research and Practice Focusing on effects of specific handling or positioning techniques on functional outcomes Integrating the NDT Approach with other treatment approaches on specific functional outcomes Developing appropriate assessment strategies for measurement of treatment outcomes Contributing to the theoretical basis of the NDT Approach
Membership Has Its Benefits Access to the lending library & discounts on NDTA publications: Including the “Components of Typical and Atypical Motor Development” by Lois Bly, PT, C/NDT
Membership Has Its Benefits Regional activities, local representation, and leadership opportunities. Contact the Membership Committee and become involved! Stay connected through professional networking with local study groups, hosting and attending courses and conferences.
Membership Has Its Benefits NDTA’s bi-monthly newsletter for Case Studies, Clinician’s Corner, Family Perspectives, Continuing NDT Education and Association News. Back issues are archived on the website for easy access. Available in PDF format and as a Flip-book through E-News and online at members can print copies of any of the articles from their own personal computers.
Membership Has Its Benefits WWW. .ORG Additional ‘Member Only’ Website Benefits Include: Online Mentoring via Instructor Q&A - Post a therapeutic question to an NDTA instructor. Answers are posted on the website and archived questions can also be accessed. Discounts on most all publications are available on the NDTA Marketplace Up-to-date NDT Information and Links for parents, families, and caregivers across the globe. Members-Only Message Boards E-news Monthly updates and news from NDTA headquarters, committee chairs & Board of Directors
Membership Has Its Benefits Supporting Continuing Education: An ever-growing, changing, and updated selection of courses throughout North America and Internationally will offer you the opportunity to stay informed in your discipline. Tuition Discounts are provided to NDTA members for post- graduate continuing education courses, seminars, and conferences sponsored by the NDTA.
Membership Has Its Benefits Become an Active Member With NDTA Opportunities available for committee chairs and members: Local Representatives, Membership, Marketing, Education, Website, National Conference Planning, Publications, Research, and Public Relations. Volunteer with other members at conferences and courses, host a course, provide local in-services to area facilities, or become a key contact in your area.
NDTA Membership Categories Join Today! 1 & 2 year membership options available ▪ Therapist and Assistant Therapist Practitioners (OT, PT, SLP disciplines) ▪ Other Healthcare Practitioners ▪ Retired ▪ Students (Pursuing entry-level degrees) ▪ Students (Pursuing post-professional degrees) ▪ NDT Consumers (patients, clients, families, caregivers) ▪ Corporate Partners (Agency or organization that supports NDTA and its goals) Facility Partner (Agency or organization that supports NDTA and its goals)
Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association 1-800-869-9295 1540 S. Coast Hwy, ste 203, Laguna Beach, CA 92651