All You Have to Know about Second Mortgage in Toronto There's no denying the fact that your home is your most valuable asset, but when you need some money, and need it quick, you may have to think of using your valuable asset as well. Thankfully, you do not have to sell it to get some money to complete other projects and goals in your life. A good option would be to take a second mortgage in Toronto. This is a type of secured loan and uses your home as collateral. Here is what you should know about taking second mortgages. Types of second mortgages Lump sum mortgage is the most standard type of second mortgage that helps you get a single amount of money, which you can use to achieve goal you might have in mind. You will be making fixed monthly payments to repay the loan over a set amount of time. Line of credit is another option, which provides you with an access to a pool of money that you can use to receive cash several times over the total duration of your loan. With this option, you will first have to work with your lender to decide on a maximum limit. You can receive payouts until that maximum limit has exhausted. Top Benefits One of the biggest benefits of taking out a second mortgage in Toronto is that it allows you to have a significant amount in a reasonably short time. You will be offering your property as collateral, so there will be much more option to choose from as compared to when you look for a loan without using any security. Another good thing about these types of loans is that you can borrow more than 80% of your current home value – you can sometimes get more depending on your lender. That is the reason why it makes sense to work with an experienced mortgage broker who could find the most profitable offer. Another benefit of second mortgages is that the interest rate is going to be on the lower side. That is again for the reason that you will be using your property as security, and secured loans usually have a lower interest rate as compared to unsecured loans. In fact, you can find a second mortgage in Toronto with an interest rate in a single digit only. It is worth mentioning that you may also qualify for tax benefits when taking a second mortgage. However, you need to understand several financial intricacies before applying for any tax benefits. Your tax preparer may offer more assistance in this
regard. Just be sure to inform them about your idea of taking out a second mortgage and they will guide you through the process. Just like everything else, second mortgage has its set of disadvantages. By using this option, you will always be facing a risk of foreclosure. Moreover, second mortgages are not always inexpensive. Closing costs can go high, and so can interest costs. Therefore, it is important to compare both advantages and disadvantages of second mortgages before taking the plunge. Article Source: toronto/ -you-have-to-know-about-second-mortgage-in- toronto/