Does Asensuality Impact Member Health?


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Presentation transcript:

Does Asensuality Impact Member Health?

For most men, maintaining member health is a priority. Even if they may not take all the steps necessary to keep their member in prime condition, they still make some effort. And although they may do so partially because of the non-sensual functions in which the male organ is involved, there’s little doubt that for many men, being sure that the manhood is likely to function superbly in sensual situations is a major motivating factor. And that’s a two-way street, because using the member in a sensual manner helps to maintain manhood health. But what about men who fall in the asensuality spectrum? Does their asensuality impact their member health?

Asensuality Before getting into that question, it’s important to have an understanding of what asensuality is. It used to be that an asensual was considered a person who didn’t have any sensual or romantic feelings toward any person, of either gender. But nowadays defining asensuality is a little more complicated. offers this definition: “An asensual is someone who does not experience sensual attraction. Unlike celibacy, which people choose, asensuality is an intrinsic part of who we are. Asensuality does not make our lives any worse or any better, we just face a different set of challenges than most sensual people. There is considerable diversity among the asensual community; each asensual person experiences things like relationships, attraction, and arousal somewhat differently.”

The point about diversity is key. Some people who are asensual feel no romantic feelings about another person; others may feel romantic feelings but have no desire to act on those feelings in a sensual way. Similarly, some people who are asensual don’t have a desire for sensual activity of any kind; others may not feel a desire for sensual activity with other people, but they may enjoy having sensual activity with themselves through self-stimulation.

Member health So why is there a question concerning whether male asensuality could impact member health? Mainly because there is still a great deal of research to be done in the field of asensuality. One of the questions that needs to be considered is whether an asensual man who does not engage in self-pleasuring may in some way be negatively impacting his member health. One school of thought would lean toward saying that yes, there is an impact. As most men know, there is a “use it or lose it” aspect to member health, Meaning, for example, that a man needs to experience some degree of sensual activity (partner-based or with his own hand) in order to keep the member in good working order. However, this usually means good working sensual order – that the manhood will be more likely to perform sensually if it is exercised. If a person is not interested in sensual activity, this would seem to be a moot point.

Of course, it’s probably a good idea for the member to function “normally” even if sensual activity is not in the game plan; but a person with asensuality does have a normally functioning manhood. He still gets tumescence throughout the day and night. And if he does not self- stimulate, his member will still periodically release male seed through nocturnal emissions. So this school of thought would believe that asensuality does not have an impact on member health.

Whether asensuality does have an impact on member health has not been definitively researched yet. But whatever the definition, most men could benefit from using a superior member health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best crèmes will contain ingredients that are conducive to maintaining the health of the male organ skin, such as moisturizers (like Shea butter and vitamin E) and antioxidants (such as alpha lipoic acid). A crème with vitamin A is also a good idea, as this vitamin has antibacterial properties that can help reduce unwanted and embarrassing manhood odor.member health crème