Loss of Male Organ Sensation and Diet: A Connection?


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Presentation transcript:

Loss of Male Organ Sensation and Diet: A Connection?

Male organ sensation is a crucial factor in a man’s enjoyment of sensual activity, whether with a partner or with his own hand. In general, the more sensation the member experiences when touched, the more pleasurable the sensual experience is likely to be. (Of course, finding a way to keep the high level of sensation from bringing about premature seed release can sometimes become a challenge, but that’s a different matter.) Sometimes, unfortunately, men experience an unwanted loss of sensation, which may be due to some specific male organ health issues. But sometimes a man’s diet may play a role in that diminishment of manhood sensation – and so it may be worth consulting with a doctor or nutritionist to see if changing the diet might be in order.

Diet and male organ sensation So why should there be any connection between a man’s diet and the amount of sensation he has in his manhood? There are a few reasons, actually. Loss of male organ sensation can come about due to several causes. Among these are instances in which the nerve endings themselves are damaged or deadened, circulation problems, and blood vessel impairment. Diet can play a role in all of these areas.

Food choices For example, when nerve endings are damaged, the condition is referred to as neuropathy. When the member experiences neuropathy, the loss of male organ sensation can be significant. Changing a guy’s diet to include foods that benefit the nervous system can help. These include foods rich in antioxidants, such as blueberries, dark green vegetables, and fish. Also good are foods rich in potassium – which helps nerves transmit messages more smoothly – and magnesium – which relaxes the nerve system so that messages are transmitted more accurately. Potassium- and magnesium-rich foods include spinach, fresh fruit and beans and peas.

What about circulation problems? Good circulation is important for blood to fully flow and cause a firmer tumescence. Manhood firmness increases the level of male organ sensation. So what is needed are foods that can help to address circulation problems, which are often caused by arteries becoming clogged. Low-fat diets are good for this; place an emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables. Meats should be lean; avoid fatty meats whenever possible. Those who drink should do so in moderation.

Blood vessel impairment can also result from too much blood sugar. This certainly applies to men with diabetes, but men whose blood sugar is below diabetic level but still high can also experience blood vessel issues which impact male organ sensation. Antioxidants can again be helpful here, as can foods that help increase nitric oxide. These include watermelon, beets, green leafy vegetables, fish, garlic and whole grains. Also good: bananas and chicken, which can help provide certain vitamins that are beneficial for blood vessel health. Diet alone is not the answer to maintaining sensation. For example, it helps to maintain an active lifestyle as well; the more fit the entire body is, the better for the member and for male organ sensation.

Also helpful for sensation beyond diet maintenance is keeping a careful check on overall male organ health. One easy way to help keep the health up is to daily apply a top notch male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Men with manhood sensation issues should definitely find a crème that includes L-carnitine. This amino acid has neuroprotective properties, so it can provide a boost in preserving sensation. A crème that also contains L-arginine is valuable, as this ingredient is part of the process by which nitric oxide is made, which helps keep vessels open. Finally, if the crème also contains an antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid, so much the better.male organ health crème