▪ The nets have a mesh a size of 1 inch to 1.5 inches, these are put to protect the area from pigeons. ▪ Once it’s installed the birds are kept away till bird netting is installed. ▪ These are generally translucent or nearly invisible, that does not mean pigeon protection net put away to light or fresh air to enter the house. pigeon protection net
EASY TO INSTALL AND WASH BIRD PROOFING SOLUTIONS IN INDIA ▪ Pigeon netting only hinders the entrance of pigeon-like birds. Anti bird net are easily washable no expertise is required to clean the net. ▪ Industrial bird netting nets are made of tailor-made, easy to install. Usually, people install it at the places where birds cause damages. ▪ Bird proofing solutions can be a really easy and effective way to protect your property.
COST EFFECTIVE AND LOW MAINTENANCE PIGEON NETTING IN INDIA ▪ These residential bird nettings are very cost effective. With a lesser price, we can get good quality of Bird netting.Bird netting ▪ Materials used for Pigeon protection net are copolymer nylon, and ultraviolet rays are also protected from this. It is corrosion proof.
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