If your brake pedal or steering wheels feels wobbly while you are driving, then it indicates that you have warped rotors.
The rotors are the round discs, which help your car stop when the brakes are applied, as the brake pads clamp the rotor to bring the vehicle to a stop.
Rotors are supposed to be flat and smooth, but due to a number of factors warpage occurs in them, which compromise your car's ability to break.
Most of the time, warped rotors are caused by excessive heating which is caused due to the following reasons- Brake system issues Driving habits Over-Torqueing
When your rear brakes are not working, then your front breaks will work even harder, this leads to heating of the rotors.
Sometimes the calipers, which houses and operates the brake pads may also malfunction leading to the heating of the rotors.
If the shocks are not functioning properly, they can cause rotor warpage as excessive weight shifts to the front design braking.
Driving habits also play a big role in the condition of the rotors, that is if you are hard on your breaks then the rotors will wear out fast.
If you have a wheel installed and someone hasn't torqued your wheel up properly, then it puts stress on your rotor.
Rotors are normally flat and smooth, and as the brake pads clamp down on them, the wheels stop.
When the rotors are warped, the brake pads can't clamp the rotors easily and you will feel a shudder on the brake pedal when you stop your car.
You will also feel a vibration in the steering wheel as well, especially if it is the front rotors that are warped.
Brake noise is another sign of the rotors being warped as the rotors will be contacting the brake pads unevenly.
One of the common signs of a warped rotor is the increase stopping time of your car, even if the surface is smooth, the car will take a long time to stop.
If the rotors are thick enough, they can be turned in a machine process that uses a lathe to smooth the rotor.
However, it is best to replace the rotors as they are the most important safety feature in a car.
Using cheap quality brake pads & rotors are not a sound investment, and you must focus on installing good quality rotors & brake pads.
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