Flavonoids May Aid Tumescent Member


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Presentation transcript:

Flavonoids May Aid Tumescent Member

Possession of a sturdy and tumescent member is a point of pride for many men, as well as one indication of good member health. Certainly, a properly functioning tumescent manhood is necessary for most sensual encounters. Yet tumescence dysfunction can be a problem for quite a few men. There are a number of strategies to help fight a dysfunctional state for a tumescent male organ. One some men might want to consider is an increased consumption of flavonoids in their diets.

Is dysfunction really a problem? Among younger men and especially among men for whom obtaining or maintaining a tumescent member is no problem, there may be some skepticism as to how big a problem tumescence dysfunction is; equally, they may assume that if it is not currently a problem for them, why should they worry about it? In fact, as many as 10% of men below the age of 40 do experience issues with serious tumescence function. That figure rises to 35% between the ages of 40 and 70, with another 49% at age 70 reporting a moderate degree of tumescent member issues.

As indicated, there are several strategies to help prevent or to treat tumescence dysfunction. While this article is focusing on the role that flavonoids can play, it must be emphasized that for many men, there may be several causes, and treating each of the causes may be necessary.

Flavonoids So just what are flavonoids? These are a group of more than 6,000 plant chemicals commonly and naturally found in many different fruits and vegetables. Flavonoids (along with carotenoids) are responsible for giving fruits and vegetables their rich, striking colors. In recent years, scientists have discovered that flavonoids bestow health benefits on consumers. But ancient Chinese medicines have for years used ingredients rich in flavonoids, without necessarily knowing of their specific existence.

The 6,000+ flavonoids are divided into groups, depending on the source of each flavonoid. The benefits vary from group to group, but in general, flavonoids are powerful antioxidants and provide anti-inflammatory protection as well as help the immune system. In terms of the tumescent member, it’s a particular flavonoid benefit that is of interest: helping with cardiovascular disease.

Cardiovascular issue A healthy heart is important for good manhood health. This ensures blood is pumped properly to the member, which it needs for a tumescent state. It also helps ensure member blood vessels are kept open and receptive to increased flow. Flavonoids can help in this area. A 2016 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that men who consumed diets rich in flavonoids were less likely to experience tumescence dysfunction. Depending on factors like age and health, the likelihood was reduced by between 11% and 16%.

So what are some foods to consider eating to increase flavonoids? Some excellent sources include celery, parsley, pomegranates, plums, berries, red grapes, and a wide range of citrus fruits. Men considering adding flavonoids to their diets (or making any major changes to their diets, for that matter) should first consult with a doctor and/or nutritionist.

Flavonoids by themselves are not the only way to help with a tumescent manhood. Things will also be easier if the overall health of the male organ is addressed. One way to do so is to daily apply a first rate member health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). For best results, the crème should include L-arginine and L-carnitine. The former is an amino noted for the role it plays in producing nitric oxide, which in turn helps keep member blood vessels open and accommodating. The latter has neuroprotective properties which are excellent at helping maintain an appropriate degree of manhood sensitivity, even when the member is aggressively handled.member health crème