The Reality Model
Getting the Results YOU Want!
Six Reasons Why We Dont Achieve…Better Results: We dont know what to do differently. We dont know how to do differently. We dont know why to do differently. Our chosen situations wont allow us to do differently. We dont want to do differently. Our beliefs/principles need work.
Definition of Results: Results are the outcomesthe visible, tangible consequences of a particular action.
Definition of Insanity: To keep doing what youve been doing and expecting different results!
Objectives: Identify underlying human needs that influence our belief system. Understand how our belief system influences our rules to live by, behavior patterns and actions. Understand how our behavior patterns and actions influence personal and business results. Understand that by changing our belief system, we can change our rules, behavior patterns, actions, and get better personal and business results.
Gaining Control!!!???
Addictive Behavior: Compulsive behavior with short-term benefits and long- term destruction.
The Reality Model (Hyrum W. Smith, The Franklin International Institute) Human Needs Belief Window RulesBehavior Patterns Results Feedback Mechanism
The Reality Model q Live q Love/Be Loved q Feel Important q Variety Human Needs
The Reality Model Belief Window Principles q Live q Love/Be Loved q Feel Important q Variety Human Needs
The Reality Model If…, then... Principles Rules Belief Window q Live q Love/Be Loved q Feel Important q Variety Human Needs
The Reality Model Actions If…, then... Principles Behavior Patterns Results Belief Window q Live q Love/Be Loved q Feel Important q Variety Human Needs Rules
The Reality Model Human Needs Belief Window RulesBehavior Patterns Results Feedback Mechanism
7 Natural Laws: If the results of your behavior do not meet your needs, then there is an incorrect principle on your belief window. Results take time to measure. Growth is the process of changing principles on your belief window. Addictive behavior is the result of deep and unmet needs. If your self-worth is dependent on anything external, you are in big trouble. When the results of your behavior do meet your needs over time, you experience inner peace. The mind naturally seeks harmony when presented with two opposing principles.
The Reality Model Human Needs Belief Window RulesBehavior/ Actions Results Live Love/ Be Loved Variety Feel Importan t Principles If…, Then... ActionsResults Feedback Mechanism
Steps to Getting the Results YOU Want: Identify the result that needs to change, and a new desired result. Identify the behavior pattern and actions that currently exist. Identify the rules that are guiding the behavior pattern and actions. Identify the principle that might be affecting the rules. Identify the human need that is trying to be satisfied. Identify a new principle that might positively influence new rules, behavior pattern, actions, and the new desired result. Identify the new behavior pattern, actions, and the new desired result one might expect to observe/perceive.
Success isnt final, and failure isnt fatal.
The Business Results???
The Personal Results???
Summary: Realize that human needs influence our belief system. Understand how our belief system influences our rules, behavior patterns and actions. Understand how our behavior patterns and actions influence personal and business results. Understand that by changing our belief system, we can change our rules, behavior patterns and actions to get better personal and business results.
Affirmations: Repeat these affirmations to reinforce the path to better results: –I am capable of changing my beliefs and principles. It is my choice! –I enjoy changing my behavior pattern and actions when necessary. –I love creating new results. –I thoroughly accept that I am responsible for every aspect of my life.