TOPIC- PNEUMATIC LOCOMOTIVE (Presented by- Group 8 th ) M.B.M ENGINEERING COLLEGE Submitted to- Prof. Shailendra Chawla
WHAT IS LOCOMOTIVE? A locomotive or engine is a rail transport vehicle that provides the motive power for a train. If a locomotive is capable of carrying a payload, it is usually rather referred to as multiple units, motor coaches, railcars or power cars.
TYPES OF LOCOMOTIVES Diesel Locomotive Electrical Locomotive Trolley-wire Locomotive Pneumatic Locomotive
PNEUMATIC LOCOMOTIVES Pneumatics is a greek word which means breath ;is a branch of engineering that makes use of gas or pressurized air. The locomotives which run on compressed air as fuel are known as Pneumatic Locomotives. The first locomotive to run on compressed air was built in 1890.
CONSTRUCTION AND WORKING Pneumatic systems used extensively are commonly powered by compressed air or compressed inert gases. A pneumatic system consists of- Compressed air powered cylinders Air motors Other pneumatic devices. A pneumatic system is controlled through manual or automatic solenoid valves which provides low cost, is more flexible and safer alternative to electric motors and actuators. Pneumatic system is also used in construction and mining.
ADVANTAGES Simplicity of design and control. Long life Safety Requires less maintenance Less subject to shock damage Low fuel cost