Online Food Ordering Script |Online Food Delivery Script |Food ordering Script Phpscriptsmall
Online food ordering platform is growing day by day. Start your own online business in food ordering system by using our Online Food Ordering Script and earn more from the script. The Online Food Ordering Script is an online food ordering system suitable for all hotels, restatements and pubs. Our Online Food Delivery Script allows restaurants to increase sales and expand business easily.
The users can easily order the food in our script easily by selecting the user location from the script. Customer can find out by searching the hotel name, address, city, in our script easily. Also it helps customers to find restaurants within specified distance by using our GPS tracking make used in our script. After ordering the food, the user can easily do payment.
And hotel owner will get the order notification through SMS. The main two features of our Food Ordering Script is SEO friendly and Mobile responsive. The script is developed in PHP and Mysql. And then the code is optimized 100 % rules and regulation of the Google. Phpscriptsmall is one of the Leading and best web design and development company since 2005.
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