Tropical Rainforests By: Kamryn Harris
Interesting Facts About Tropical Rainforests ● About ¼ of natural medicines have been discovered in rainforests ● About a fifth of our freshwater is found in tropical rainforests around the world ● The Amazon Rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest in the world ● The Congo River is the second largest tropical rainforest ● Most rainforest are subjected to deforestation ● Only 2.6 million square miles of rainforest remain
Climate/Countries ● Most rainforest are found in South and Central America, Africa, Asia, Australia, and a portion of the Pacific Islands ● It is very humid and receives inches( cm)of rain per year ● The avg temperature is 93 Degrees Fahrenheit and the avg humidity is 68 degrees fahrenheit ● Most tropical rainforests have 2 seasons; a dry season(lasting 6 months) and a wet season(lasting 6 months)
Plants Found in Tropical Rainforests ● Lobster claw ● Orchids ● Cacao ● Water Lilies ● Passion Fruit Flowers ● Rubber Tree Due to heavy rainfall, plants adapt by having a dry tip which rolls off rainwater reducing the risk of bacteria and fungi.
Animals Found in Tropical Rainforests ● Capybara -Monarch Butterfly ● Jaguar ● Okapi ● Orangutan ● Cassowary ● Golden Lion Tamarin ● Poison Dart Frog Most animals never walk on the ground. They use tree for protection, and shelter, and to hide from predators. They use it for food as well.
Threats to the Tropical Rainforest 1. Timber and Logging 7. Mining 2. Commercial Agriculture 8.Urban Expansion 3. Local Agriculture 9. Livestock Grazing in Forest 4. Fuelwood and Charcoal 5. Uncontrolled Fires 6. Infrastructure
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