STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM A Study to determine the prevalence of psychological morbidity among medically ill patients admitted to non – psychiatric wards in Government Rajai Hospital. Madurai.
OBJECTIVES To determine the 1. Prevalence of Distress, Depression, Anxiety and Somatization in patients admitted to non – psychiatric wards. 2. To correlate the psychological morbidities of medically ill patients.
OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS Distress : An emotional or physical state of pain, sorrow, misery, suffering or discomfort and also it refers to symptoms such as listlessness, worry, disturbed sleep, tense and easily irritated that results from the strain and the scores which correlate to a score > 11 in the distress subscale of 4DSQ.
OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS Depression : It refers to symptoms such as can’t enjoy anything anymore, no escape from situation and everything in meaningless that leads to loss of pleasure and the scores which correlates to a score of >12 in the depression subscale of 4DSQ.
OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS Anxiety : Anxiety encompasses symptoms such as free floating anxiety, panic attacks, phobic anxiety and avoidance behaviour with scores which correlates to a score of >4 in the anxiety sub scale in 4DSQ.
OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS Somatization : It refers to the psychosomatic symptoms that represent bodily stress reactions when they are relatively free and mild. Which correlates to a score of > 10 in the somatization subscale of 4DSQ.
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Kings Goal Attainment Theory Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations.
KINGS GOAL ATTAINMENT THEORY Basic Assumptions According to this Study Researcher focuses on identifying the psychological morbidities present in medically ill patients. Medically ill patients are in constant interaction with the health care members.
MAJOR CONCEPTS Nurse Researcher Perception Judgement Action Medically Ill Patient Perception Action
MAJOR CONCEPTS Perception – Psychological morbidity may be high among medically ill patients. Judgement – To Mobilize the resources for early identification of psychological morbidities. Action – Plan to use 4DSQ through structural interview. Perception – Unaware of the psychological problems. Action – willingness to render information regarding their psychological problems.
3 TYPES OF SYSTEM Personal System – Human beings perception, growth & development, body image, space and time. Interpersonal System – it includes, interaction, communication, transaction, role and stress
3 TYPES OF SYSTEM Social System – Organization, Authority, Power, Status and Decision Making.
COMMUNICATION & TRANSACTION Communication – process by which the nurse researcher gives information to medically ill patients about management of psychological morbidities. Transaction – the process by which the nurse researcher and the medically ill patients interact with the environment to achieve the goals.
PEPLAU’S THEORY Orientation Phase Identification Phase Resolution Phase Exploitation Phase
ORIENTATION PHASE Nurse researcher meets the medically ill patients. Medically ill patient seeks help for their problems. Nurse researcher explaining his role in assisting the patient.
IDENTIFICATION PHASE Nurse researcher and medically ill patient get introduced. Explanation of the procedure. Identification of mutual goals.
EXPLOITATION PHASE Nurse research collects data on psychological morbidity by means of 4DSQ through Interview Schedule.
RESOLUTION PHASE Nurse Researcher thank the medically ill patients.
PARADIGMS Person – refers to nurse researcher who needs to determine the prevalence of psychological morbidity among medically ill patients. Medically ill patients are those who need care for their psychological morbidities.
PARADIGMS Environment – refers to social system such as health care system such as hospital. Nursing – the process of action, reaction and interaction where by nurse researcher shares the information about management of psychological morbidities.
PARADIGMS Health – it is the dynamic life experiences of a medically ill patients such as adjustment to the distress, depression, anxiety and somatization, through optimum use the resources to achieve mental health.
Delimitation This study was conducted only among general patients. Surgical patients were not included in the study, So generalisation should be done with caution.