1 – What does hwpplayers mean ? It is the shortened version of "hard working philosophers players" - hard working - philosophers (a person who ask questions) - players (gamer, player, someone who enjoys playful cleverness)
1 – What does hwpplayers mean ? - You know what does "hard working" mean, ofcourse i don't mean doing same thing all day. You should find new ways to do something. You may think about Bruce Lee's quote : " Using no way as a way, having no limitation as limitation.". Bruce Lee meant that a person should be in the moment and find the best solution for the problem in the moment instead of planning something and trying to adapt it to the moment. And also think about " if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail” by Abraham MaslowBruce LeeAbraham Maslow
1 – What does hwpplayers mean ? - But when we say "philosophers" we don't mean being a student of a single person. We mean by philosophers who asks questions about computer science and about all sciences. "what is computing, what does it compute ? ", "what is processor" are the questions that we ask.
1 – What does hwpplayers mean ? - "players" mean a person who searchs new ways like in games and someone who enjoys playful cleverness
2 – Why we make videos and why we still want to do it ? - Making videos makes the person who tells something more relax and it is a chance to improve his/her abilities. Also to get feedbacks and fix the bugs about related works. - Why we want to learn something ? Let's think about it. Learning something makes someone more relax and calm. This is a "psychological practice or experience". And also we know that "without practice we can't understand what is true or false" like Goethe, Bruce Lee and Ismail al- Jazari said.GoetheBruce LeeIsmail al- Jazari
3 – Why computers ? - Our relation with computers is not a "habit".A computer is something that can listen our ideas and turns them to a reality. Think about "dreams and reality". You can make graphical simulation, scientific calculation, communication, documentation etc. with that " thinking machine " "Programming" is the process of dictating or telling the mission to the computer. "hwpplayers community" is for analysing computer hardware, software and science theory.
4 – Our Licences Our works will be licensed with "free software and open source licences". When we use someone's work we'll mention about the owner of the work. But i want to use other sources just to have a look and analyze it. Then i'll check them and if there are mistakes, edit them and make it up to date.
Thanks hwpplayers For Licences : and