Genicon A Surgical Strike into Emerging Markets
BACKGROUND GENICON, founded in 1998 in Orlando, FL by Gary Haberland, began as an Original Equipment Manufacturer and produced products for larger medical device firms with their own brand labeling.
OVERVIEW Haberland knew that GENICONs success had come from its international distribution strategy; he also knew that the minimally invasive surgery (MIS) device market in the U.S. was the largest in the world but international markets were expected to grow at a much faster rate.
INDIA India is the fastest growing country in terms of population growth.
CHINA China has become the world’s second largest market for medical devices imports at 12.6BN and is expected to grow at an avg of 20% for the next three years
BRAZIL Brazil is Latin America’s largest medical device market and the B.R.I.C. countries second largest market valued at 3BN.
RUSSIA Russia represents the smallest medical device market and population of all the B.R.I.C. countries.
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