Maintain the Reliable Performance of your Car Engine
Performing the regular maintenance of your car is essential in order to ensure the safety of you and your family.
The maintenance checklist can help you to keep your car engine reliable and running for a long way.
It can help you to extend the life of your car engine, simultaneously reducing the possibility of mechanical mishaps.
It is always dedicated to preserving the future value of your car as well as the safety in a long run.
Follow the service schedule
Most of the car owners pay little or no attention to their car's maintenance schedule as mention in the owner's manual.
Now the car's have life monitoring system that can determine automatically the best time to perform the oil change.
There's no reason to skimp the maintenance of your car, by going through your owner's manual you can do it on time.
The indicator lights of service located in the gauge cluster can provide you the details about the interval of the maintenance process.
Regularly check fluid and tire pressure
To check the most important engine fluid open the hood and put out the oil dipstick. Then wipe it clean, reinsert it and pull it out again.
Check the radiator overflow and the brake cylinder reservoir level for analyzing its current condition.
Check the power steering fluid level, transmission fluid level, hoses and bolts for any signs of wear or imminent failure.
Use a pressure gauge to check the proper PSI of each tire as per your user's manual or the driver's side door jamb.
Except the tire pressure, you should check all of these once in week or month, but check the tire at least every week.
Listen to the odd noise
Turn off the radio in a while for recognizing the odd noises of your engine both at the idle and underway.
If you are pressing a new brake, then you might hear a loud squealing sound from the brake wear indicator.
If you hear a grinding or scraping noise from your car then it will mean that the brake pads are so low due to the contact of metal.
If you unable to pinpoint the sources of the noise, then you will take your car to a mechanic to get more informed suggestions.
Drive calmly
When you drive your car handle it in an easy way means to press the brakes smoothly and don't drive its other parts to hard..
Make sure that your car is completely stopped before shifting the gears into a reverse direction and stop before going to a forward gear.
Constant hard pressure will reduce the lifespan of your car engine and add to its downtime. So drive calmly for improving its fuel economy.
If you need more incentive driving, then avoid the stress from the transmission components.
Concluded tips
The above-defined steps will help you to take a proactive approach for maintaining your car engine.
By following the maintenance tips your car can get excellent reputations for reliability and cheaper to fix your car issues.