Male organ Pain and Neurological Disorders: Understanding Dyaesthesia


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Presentation transcript:

Male organ Pain and Neurological Disorders: Understanding Dyaesthesia

A little male organ pain every now and then is inevitable, but in most cases, it’s something that passes quickly. A guy gets hit in the lap, for example, and the pain is intense but usually of relatively short duration. But occasionally, more lasting pain occurs, creating a cause for concern. One such cause is male organ dyaesthesia.

The male organ pain situation Dyaesthesia refers to a physical, often chronic disorder in which touching specific parts of the body results in intense pain, often presented as a sharp stinging sensation. Often, the afflicted area may also be marked by a reddening of the skin. The degree of pain associated with dyaesthesia can vary significantly. For example, in some cases, the pain may not be triggered unless the touching is fairly forceful. On the other end of the spectrum, the affected nerves may become so sensitive that even a slight brushing can create an intensely painful reaction. In the latter cases, even the touch of clothing on the area may be unbearable.

It’s easy to imagine how male organ dyaesthesia could create an especially difficult situation. Unless one is an exhibitionist, keeping the manhood clothed is essential, and the fact that both underwear and trousers would be worn could cause even more discomfort.

Who is affected? The exact cause of male organ dyaesthesia is undetermined, but there are several likely causes: Cortioid creams. Sometimes doctors recommend corticoid creams for common male skin problems such as excessive dryness or for other issues like Peyronie’s disease. In some fairly rare cases, this seems to result in dyaesthesia, probably due to an overaccumulation of the medication in the area over time. Erythromelalgia. This fierce-sounding name refers a very rare condition that has a distinct genetic basis. Whether erythromelalgia may cause dyaesthesia or whether it may be that erythromelalgia is sometimes misdiagnosed as dyaesthesia is unclear.

Vascular problems. Sometimes blood and lymph vessels release substances which seem to impact the sensitivity of nerve endings. While any man can get male organ dyaesthesia, it is more commonly found in Caucasian males over the age of 60.

How is it treated? A combination of lifestyle changes and mediations are typically used in treating dyaesthesia. For example, mild cleansers may be recommended rather than soap, applying cold compresses to the area and wearing loose, light clothing may be combined with using antibiotics or anticonvulsants. Each case is different, so a man with this condition is well advised to check with a doctor. And because it can be chronic or recurring, he should keep his doctor apprised of his progress.

No guy likes manhood pain, whether the cause is dyaesthesia or some other more everyday reason. Most men can help reduce the chances of pain by regularly using a first class male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Keeping the skin in good co0ndition is one way to help, so men should be certain that their chosen crème contains ingredients like a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrating agent (such as vitamin E). In addition, the better cremes will include a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, which can help keep down excess free radicals and thereby help reduce the damage from oxidative stress.male organ health crème