All About Concierge Doctor
Synopsis 1.Some of the Best Medical Care Maybe With a Retained DoctorSome of the Best Medical Care Maybe With a Retained Doctor 2.A More Practical Health Care SystemA More Practical Health Care System 3.The Private Practice of the Concierge DoctorThe Private Practice of the Concierge Doctor 4.The Primary Care Physician and the PatientThe Primary Care Physician and the Patient
Some of the Best Medical Care Maybe With a Retained Doctor Take the example of the patient who needs to visit the doctor at least once a month. He or she is probably an elderly patient and also needs a new or possibly varied prescription for the pharmacy monthly. This can all be accomplished by phone or by to the doctor. You also have your doctor’s phone number, so you can ask for a house visit at any time of the day or night if required. The concept of concierge medicine has gained momentum over the past few years and is ideally suited to patients living in old age care homes who do not always have a resident physician. There are, of course, pros and cons to this sort of service. For example, on the doctor's side, most try to see around 2000 patients, say one every 15 minutes in a month. medicine. Concierge medicine practices keep their numbers down to say 250. This certainly means that the doctor has more time with an individual patient than a quick 15-minute visit. You are paying a premium fee for these services; however, a physician can concentrate on some individual and personal preventative health care with this system. There is a lot to be said for this as, in the case of certain patients being prone to various illnesses, they may be able to obtain some form of preventative medication that will help to keep fit and well. There are many types of preventative medicines on the market as well as those scheduled by a doctor however, how and what and when to take these is best decided by the doctor. You will not get this sort of treatment in a 15-minute visit. How to decide which system is the best is ultimate a personal preference.
A More Practical Health Care System Private healthcare insurance is available in the US but is not really considered more practical than the concierge doctor. Also, private healthcare does not always pay 100% of the medical bill in any event. So, expensive healthcare insurance has no advantage over the concierge doctor. For example, most doctors will not give out their private mobile telephone numbers for reasons that most do not make house calls and therefore you need to make an appointment to visit his rooms. A concierge doctor will do just the opposite. You can make a call and he will visit you if required. There may be some tests to be conducted or X-rays all of which he can organize whilst visiting you. In the event that a patient may require an urgent appointment with a physician there is a good chance he might have to wait a week or more unless there is an emergency in which case a hospital visit may be needed. A concierge doctor will respond almost immediately and will even visit you over a weekend. Most private physicians do not operate over weekends or public holidays however, you have paid for your concierge doctor to be on call twenty-four hours out of twenty-four. These are benefits you will only get with this sort of service. Concierge doctors can also join a nationwide group such as MDVIP. This company which happens to be based in Florida operates countrywide. Here the doctor will limit his patients to a maximum of 600 whilst your private physician will have a patient base of over 2000 in all probability. If you are traveling country wide and out of reach of you own concierge physician, an MDVIP office in another state will provide you with the same facilities and assign a concierge doctor to assist you.
The Private Practice of the Concierge Doctor To begin with you need to seek out a physician, who has a concierge practice, and maybe a physician you already know is considering this option or he already has it. You will need to make a financial arrangement for his services either with an annual payment or a monthly retainer, whichever he prefers. In order for him to do this work effectively he has to limit his patient base to around 200 patients. A physician in a normal practice can see a patient approximately every fifteen minutes is able to have a patient base of over 2000 patients. His hours are limited to the time his rooms are open which does not include Saturdays and Sundays and public holidays. If he is away on holiday you will find a doctor-on-call to take his place, someone you probably do not know and who does not know you. Your doctor, which you prefer to call "you own doctor" is actually a physician who sees many other people, as mentioned, ever fifteen minutes. There may be exceptions however, he generally doesn’t remember all your personal details unless he is in his rooms. He will not make house calls and in an emergency will refer you to the hospital. The concierge doctor will treat your call in a totally different manner. He will visit you if required and treat you as effectively if not more efficiently. This is because, being committed to you he personally knows all your medical information. Besides arranging for any medical tests to be performed if required, he will treat you as his own private patient and provide you a service that you cannot fault. Medicine that you may require he will readily prescribe for you either by if a prescription for scheduled medications is needed or make sure your local pharmacy store has a copy of his prescription which may be a repeat script for essential or chronic medication. You will, in all probability, be able to contact him at all times during the day or night on his personal phone.
The Primary Care Physician and the Patient In a way, the concierge doctor is a great help to senior citizens who may find it difficult to travel to and fro to a doctor's rooms. There are also senior citizens who are unable to visit a doctor for one or more reasons. They may be incapable of walking, may be permanently in a wheelchair which requires special transport etc. In this case some patient care by telephone is much more convenient. Take the case where a patient is in an old age or frail care home. Many of these facilities do not have permanent physicians on their staff and to get prescription or scheduled medication from a drug store without a prescription is impossible. The concierge doctor may visit the patient to ensure that a certain drug is required after which they communicate by or simply by telephone. Besides all the plusses you can enumerate with the concierge doctor it is quite a comforting thought that you have your own personal physician. He will have all your history on tap in his computer these days, quite similar to a standard healthcare physician. To have these facilities brought to you by your own physician when an ailment strikes is more than a comforting thought, and what are the alternatives? Government healthcare is undergoing reform after reform and there is presently no finality in this program. Many people have signed up for federal health insurance (2018) which is a necessary program as it covers hospitals, MRI's X-Ray etc. and stays in hospitals. There is also a Children's health Insurance program.
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