What is an Earbud Hoodie?
For most of us, our smartphone is the most expensive thing that we carry around with us – and generally, it’s uninsured and at the mercy of us not dropping it, cracking the screen or accidentally leaving it somewhere.
Yet it seems that just because we tend to always have it with us, we take it for granted and quickly embark on daring endeavours that all too often see it damaged or lost.
37% of the British public have damaged their mobile phone within the last two years, with most of these instances being cracked screens. Fear delicate device designs no longer; our Earbud Hoodies will protect your phone on the go.
Hoodify’s Earbud Hoodies, a bestseller in our range of customisable attire, make for the perfect protective home for your device while you’re out and about.
Sewn inside the standard hoodie ‘pouch’ is a hidden pocket just big enough for a smartphone to fit into, cushioning it from the outside world and protecting it from the weather.
This secret compartment also contains a small hold, about 1cm wide, for your headphones to thread through.
Threading through the inside of your hoodie under the garment, rather than on top where they can be easily ripped out or caught up on other things, safeguards whatever it is you want to listen to without broadcasting it to those around you.
There’ll be no more awkward death metal at the bus stop or loud unsuitable podcasts during a lecture!
The earbuds pop out of the hoodie at the top, and it’s up to you and your comfort preference whether they’re at the front of back.
Cleverly, each side of the hoodie has another hidden feature: a loop for the earbud to hang from and be secured.
This avoids the dreaded knotted of the wires as well as allowing for quick and easy removal and insertion of the headphones whenever you need them – steering clear of parental and professor nagging, and awkward situations of fumbling around with equipment when really you need to be paying full attention to something else entirely.
When you’re finished wearing your hoodie, need your phone for something else or need to pop it in the wash, just pull your phone out and voila! You’re back to using your phone as usual and it’s safe and dry.
For even more added comfort, the Hoodify Earbud Hoodies have handy thumb-holes for warm digits, double lined hoods and chunky bootlace drawstrings.
Once customised with your bespoke screen- printed design, the finished product doesn’t just stand out because of your personalisation, but also because of its quality: something that you’ll be hard-pressed to find with other custom- design companies who simply churn out cheap and thin garments as fast as they can.
Here at Hoodify, we instead take our time over our manufacture, ensuring your hoodies are the best they possibly can be. You won’t find better!
For more on custom hoodies and other garments, visit us at: