Pearl S. Buck
Today I will introduce a woman's writer is called Pearl's Buck. She was born in June 26th, 1892 and was died on June 3rd, woman on Paragraph 1:
Because of her parents were worked in China, she spent her childhood and boyhood in ZhenJiang, China. She lived in China about 40 years, so she called Chinese is first language, and called Zhenjiang Chinese hometown. girlhood Paragraph 2: has for her
She started writing in 1920s, the novel The Good Earth was came out in 1931which was won the Pulitzer Prize in 1932 and the Nobel Prize in the Literature in She is the only one won both these prizes at the same time. was Paragraph 3: the and who
She got down to writing in the 1920s, determined and devoted. The novel The Good Earth was published in 1931 for which she was awarded Pulitzer Prize in 1932 and the Nobel Prize in Literature in It's such a fantastic book that made readers spellbound and enjoyable. Nobody can equal her for she was the only one who won both these prizes in the meantime. 她在 20 年代开始写作,坚定且投入;大地这本书于 1932 年出版,为此她于 1932 年被授予了普利策奖并 于 1938 年被授予了诺贝尔文学奖。没有人能与她相 比因为她是唯一的一个同时获得这两项奖项的女作 家。
Today I will introduce a woman writer called Pearl's Buck. She was born on June 26th, 1892 and died on June 3rd, Paragraph 1: Pearl's Buck was a female writer, who was born on June 26th, 1892 and passed away/was buried on June 3rd, 赛珍珠是一位女作家,她出生在 1892 年 6 月 26 日 并于 1973 年 6 月 3 日逝世。
Because her parents worked in China, she spent her childhood and girlhood in ZhenJiang, China. She has lived in China for about 40 years, so she called Chinese her first language, and called Zhenjiang her Chinese hometown. Paragraph 2: Foreigner as she is, she spent her childhood and girlhood in ZhenJiang, China owning to her parents work. Having lived in China for approximately four decades, she considered Chinese as her first language, and Zhenjiang her Chinese hometown. 虽然她是外国人,但是她在中国的镇江度过她 的童年和少年时期,因为她父母的工作原因。 在中国住了将近四十年了,她把中文看成是她 的第一语言,把镇江看成是她的中国故乡。
She started writing in the 1920s, and the novel The Good Earth came out in 1931 which won the Pulitzer Prize in 1932 and the Nobel Prize in the Literature in She is the only one who won both these prizes at the same time. She got down to writing in the 1920s, determined and devoted. The novel The Good Earth was published in 1931 for which she was awarded Pulitzer Prize in 1932 and the Nobel Prize in Literature in It's such a fantastic book that made readers spellbound and enjoyable. Nobody can equal her for she was the only one who won both these prizes in the meantime. 她在 20 年代开始写作,坚定且投入;大地这本书于 1932 年出版,为此她于 1932 年被授予了普利策奖并 于 1938 年被授予了诺贝尔文学奖。没有人能与她相 比因为她是唯一的一个同时获得这两项奖项的女作 家。
My favorite star is Zhang Jie. He is one of the most popular singers in China. He doesn’t suceed overnight. As far as I am concerned, he is a hard-working man. I like this song which is called Look into the Stars.
1. I will never forget what he did. 2. Although he is a German, he fought for Chinese. 3. He only felt happy when he was at work. 4. He hoped to make everyone equal. And he devoted himself to work. 5. He is a selfless man. He is devoted to work. 6. Norman Bethune fought for Chinese. 7.He worked hard and finally succeeded.
1. I will never forget what he did. Never Never will I forget what he did for China. 2. Although he is a German, he fought for Chinese. Germanas German as he was, he fought for Chinese. 3. He only felt happy when he was at work. Only when he was at work can he feel happy.
Hoping to make everyone equal, he devoted all his life to work. 4. He hoped to make everyone equal. He devoted all his life to work. Devoting all his life to work, he hoped to make everyone equal.
He is a selfless man who is devoted to serving his people. 5. He is a selfless man. He is devoted to serving his people. It was Chinese that Norman Bethune fought for. 6. Norman Bethune fought for Chinese. 7. He worked hard and finally succeeded. As the old saying goes: no pain, no gain. He worked hard and finally succeeded.
最喜爱的歌星:张杰 1. 当下最受欢迎歌手之一 2. 他不懈努力,最终成功 3. 最喜欢《仰望星空》这首歌
题目:最喜爱的歌星:张杰 1. 当下最受欢迎歌手之一 2. 他不懈努力,最终成功 3. 最喜欢《仰望星空》这首歌 否定词前置,倒装句; 否定词前置,倒装句; 在他梦想成真之前,他绝对不会放弃; Never will he give up until he makes his dream came true.
题目:最喜爱的歌星:张杰 1. 当下最受欢迎歌手之一 2. 他不懈努力,最终成功 3. 最喜欢《仰望星空》这首歌 As 倒装句 As 倒装句 虽然他现在很出名,但是他并非一夜成名 Popular as he is at present, he doesn’t succeed overnight.
题目:最喜爱的歌星:张杰 1. 当下最受欢迎歌手之一 2. 他不懈努力,最终成功 3. 最喜欢《仰望星空》这首歌 Only when 倒装句 Only when 倒装句 只有当我听这首歌时,我才会完全被迷住; Only when I listen to this song can I feel totally spellbound.
题目:最喜爱的歌星:张杰 1. 当下最受欢迎歌手之一 2. 他不懈努力,最终成功 3. 最喜欢《仰望星空》这首歌 非谓语 非谓语 成功路上不懈努力,他最终出名 Struggling on his way to success, he eventually earned great fame.
题目:最喜爱的歌星:张杰 1. 当下最受欢迎歌手之一 2. 他不懈努力,最终成功 3. 最喜欢《仰望星空》这首歌 定语从句 定语从句 他在音乐上很有天赋,擅长各种歌曲; He is a musically talented man who is good at singing all sorts of songs.
题目:最喜爱的歌星:张杰 1. 当下最受欢迎歌手之一 2. 他不懈努力,最终成功 3. 最喜欢《仰望星空》这首歌 强调句 强调句 仰望星空这首歌给我印象深刻; It is the song Look into the Stars that really leaves a deep impression on me.
Replace confident be important have an influence on keep doing sth think it important self-assured be of great benefit to be significantmatter have an effect on stick to doing sth think highly of make a difference to attach importance to
Replace finally remember look for can not in short eventually memorize learn sth by heart search for fail to do sth to be brief seek briefly speaking recall