What is a Root Canal?
●A root canal is a term used to describe the natural cavity in the center of a tooth. This contains a soft area known as the pulp chamber that houses the nerves together. If this area becomes irritated or infected due to cavities, trauma or decay, root canal therapy is necessary.
●Root Canal Treatment has been a very effective dental treatment since a long time to preserve your tooth from infection and removal in the long run. But this Root Canal treatment comes with its limitations.
●When a tooth is sensitive to hot beverages, or painful in the sleeping position it's the time to visit the dentist as it may endangering the nerve of the tooth warranting a root canal treatment.
●Root Canal Treatment completed in a single sitting at our Dental Clinic and several root canals can be done in a single sitting. Performed by experienced endodontists who exclusively practice root canals. Performed under total isolation of the tooth using advanced dental procedures. Painless Root Canal Treatment:
●Diagnosis by clinical examination and x-ray. Opening the root canal under local anesthesia. ●Diseased pulp is removed, canals are cleaned and shaped. ●Canals are then filled permanently with a tapered rubbery material called guttapercha and sealed. Placing a crown on the tooth to prevent fracture. Steps in a Root Canal Treatment:
●The Dental Specialists has one of the best team of dental surgeons specializing in root canal treatment. For painless root canal treatment in Hyderabad. ●Book Appointment Now At: