P RESENTATION O VERVIEW Search Engine Basics What is SEO? Key Concepts Why is Search Engine marketing important? How to Conduct Keyword Research How page Ranking Done What is a SEO Algorithm? Steps to developing a good SEO strategy Basic tips for optimization Advantages and Disadvantages Conclusion
S EARCH E NGINE B ASICS Seo service provider in Salt Lake City are programs that search documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found. Seo service provider in Salt Lake City Some of the popular Search Engine are Google, Bing, Ask, Bing, Baidu, etc.
SEO A Search Engine operates is a three manner-: Web Crawling Indexing Ranking and Serving Results
K EY C ONCEPTS Web site appears in the returned matches depends on 5 factors: Which Keywords the user entered Your web page Keyword Density for these keywords Your web page Keyword Prominence (page location) for these keywords Your Link Popularity – the number of other sites that link to you Your link and keyword Relevancy
W HY IS S EARCH E NGINE MARKETING IMPORTANT ? 80% of consumers find your website by first writing a query into a box on a search engine (Google, Yahoo, Bing) 90% choose a site listed on the first page 85% of all traffic on the internet is referred to by search engines The top three organic positions receive 59% percent of user click Cost-effective advertising Clear and measurable ROI Operates under this assumption: More (relevant) traffic + Good Conversions Rate = More Sales/Leads
H OW TO C ONDUCT K EYWORD R ESEARCH Brainstorming Surveying Customers Applying Data from KW Research Tools Term Selection Performance Testing and Analytics
H OW PAGE R ANKING D ONE An organic seo services in Salt Lake City software spider is a piece of software that acts like an electronic librarian who cuts out the content pages of every book of library in the world sorts them into a extremely large master index.seo services in Salt Lake City The basic principal is that the index is made from the actual content of site.
W HAT IS A SEO A LGORITHM ? Top Secret! Only select employees of a search engines company know for certain Reverse engineering, research and experiments gives SEOs (search engine optimization professionals) a “pretty good” idea of the major factors and approximate weight assignments The SEO algorithm is constantly changed, tweaked & updated Websites and documents being searched are also constantly changing Varies by Search Engine – some give more weight to on-page factors, some to link popularity
S TEPS TO DEVELOPING A GOOD SEO STRATEGY Research desirable keywords and search phrases (Word Tracker, Overture, Google AdWords) Identify search phrases to target (should be relevant to business/market, obtainable and profitable) “Clean” and optimize a website’s HTML code for appropriate keyword density, title tag optimization, internal linking structure, headings and subheadings, etc. Help in writing copy to appeal to both search engines and actual website visitors Study competitors (competing websites) and search engines Implement a quality link building campaign Add Quality content Constant monitoring of rankings for targeted search terms
B ASIC TIPS FOR OPTIMIZATION Research keywords related to your business Identify competitors, utilize benchmarking techniques and identify level of competition Utilize descriptive title tags for each page Use text links when ever possible Use appropriate keywords in your content and internal hyperlinks (don’t overdo!) Obtain inbound links from related websites Monitor your search engine rankings and more importantly your website traffic statistics and sales/leads produced Educate yourself about search engine marketing
A DVANTAGES OF SEO Perspective (Global / Regional) Targeted Traffic Increase Visibility High ROI (Return on Investment) Long term positioning Cost-effective Flexibility
D ISADVANTAGES You may be prevented from competing on a level playing field, because competitors and even affiliates may use less ethical black hat SEO techniques. As a consequence, the biggest disadvantage of top SEO services in Salt Lake City is a lack of control. You are subject to changes in the SEO services in Salt Lake City In competitive sectors it may be very difficult to get listed in the top few results for competitive phrases