FARM ANIMALS By Malek Room 14A
INTRODUCTION Today my power point will be about farm animals. The farm animals that I’ll be talking about today are. Jersey cows, Sheep, and Goats. I’ll tell you more of these animals later on in the power point.
INTRODUCTION My first part is about Jersey cows. The cow is a small milk producing cow. The Jersey was originated from a place called the CHANNEL ISLAND OF JERSEY(UK). The Jersey cow’s scientific name is Bos tauras. The Jersey is know one of the world’s most popular cow. The Jersey is one of the world’s oldest dairy cow.I’ll tell you more about Jersey cows throughout the Power- Point.
Cow Terms Cow- A female that has 1 calf or more. Bull Calf- A male calf that is almost 1 year old. Bull- A male cow that is over a year old. Dam- A mother of a calf. Heifer- A newborn cow or a cow that hasn’t had a calf yet. Maiden- A female. Steer- A male that isn’t for breeding
DIET The Jersey cow usually eats about 100 pounds of food each day. The cow eats hay such as; Loosen, oaten hay, and many more types of hay. They also eat grains because its full of Nutrition. Also high in Vitamins and Minerals.
The Jersey cow produces usually about 8 gallons (30.28 litres) per day. If you give the cow the right amount of food (which is about 100 pounds per day) they’ll produce about 8 gallons of milk per day. The Jersey cow produces about After the cow The cow produces milk for a couple of months and then it stops producing milk until the cow has it’s next baby/Calf. In total the cow produces milk for about 10 years. Jersey cow milk is so rich the best quality that you can get at the supermarket. MILK
DANGERS TO THE JERSEY COW The Dangers to the Jersey cow are: the weather, humans, dogs and foxes. The weather is dangerous for the adults and calves. Because if it’s raining the cows can get wet and get diseases. If it’s really hot the cows can get dehydrated and they can get cooked alive. If it’s cold the cows can get really bad diseases and if there is no medication they can die. Humans are dangerous because if they do the wrong thing to the cows the cows can be really harmed. Dogs and Foxes are dangerous to the calves because if the calves are new-borns the dogs and the foxes will attack them first because they are usually small and weak.
APPEARANCE Jersey cows come in various different colours. Jersey cows can come in Brown, they can be red, they can be charcoal, they can be dark brown, and they can be white. Heifers (females) can weigh up to 800 to 1,200 pounds (362 kg – 544 kg). And Bulls (males) can weigh up to 1200 pounds to 1, 800 pounds.(544 kg – 816 kg).
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM The Jersey Cow has 4 stomachs. Each of the stomachs has their own powers. The 1 st stomach can hold about 100 litres of chewed grass. In the 2 nd stomach the grass forms up into a ball. Then the ball is swallowed again and it goes into the 3 rd and 4 th stomach and it’s broken down into smaller pieces. And that’s how the digestive system work.
LIFE SPAN Most cows live up to 11 to 12 years old but Jersey cows can live up to 25 year old.
INTRO This part of the power point is about sheep. There are other 100 breed of sheep in the world they can be any shapes and sizes. I’ll tell you more about sheep throughout this part.
SHEEP TERMS Mutton- A mutton is usaully older than 1 year old. Ewe- A female sheep. Ram- A male sheep. Lamb-A baby sheep Wethers- A male sheep that you can’t breed with ewes. Yearling- A sheep that is turning 1 or already. Flock- A group of sheep.
Breeds of Sheep There are many breeds of Sheep they are good for wool, meat, and milk. The most popular breeds of sheep are: Awassi sheep they are good for milk, meat, and wool. Merino sheep they are also good for milk, meat, and wool Suffolk are good for milk, meat, and wool. Dorpers are only good for meat. Persians sheep are good for meat. Damaras are good for meat. Port Dorset's are good for milk, wool, and meat. That’s all the breeds of sheep I know.
DIET Sheep eat lots of food. When the sheep are newborns or lambs they drink milk from their mother and eat pellets. When the sheep is older the sheep eat: grass, clovers, hay, and forbs. Forbs are pretty much the same as grass.
LIFE SPAN If Sheep are healthy and in good shape they usaully live up to 12 years old.
APPEARANCE Sheep can come in lots of colours and different shapes and sizes. Like: Black, White, Brown, and even can be multi-coloured. Most breed of sheep have wool but some hath no wool.
DANGERS TO THE SHEEP There are many dangers to the sheep but the main ones are dogs and us humans. Dogs can attack the sheep. And humans can abuse the sheep.
Reference page Books Dairy and beef farming. Websites