EMIS is an organized group of information and documentation services that collects, stores processes analyzes and disseminates information for educational planning and management.
OBJECTIVES Purpose of EMIS Aim of EMIS Functions of EMIS Use of EMIS Development of EMIS Educational planning and management
PURPOSE OF EMIS Information is the basis of management, planning and monitoring of an education system. In the management of the education system, the education management information system (EMIS) should inform the different levels of national education administration (schools, district and regional education offices, Ministry of Education) on the state and performance of the education sector. The EMIS provides evidence for the development, management and monitoring of education policies and plans. In fact, the goal of the EMIS is to improve planning, resource allocation, monitoring, policy formation and decision making.
AIM OF EMIS EMIS are designed to collect, analyse and report data on the education system. The objectives are: To provide a timely and informed basis for planning and management of education services To establish a set of relevant indicators for data collection and utilization To contribute to a national system for collection, processing and utilization of education data
FUNCTIONS OF EMIS The EMIS should produce information needed for: Management and administration of the education system Research on and planning of the education system Monitoring and evaluation of the education system
EMIS Management and Administration Research and Planning Monitoring and Evaluation
USE OF EMIS Three levels of data use correspond to the activities and tasks of the education system. The higher the level of detail and quantity of information there is to use, the lower the level of decision-making. The quantity of data required decreases at higher levels of decision-making, the information becoming more aggregated and synthesized, integrating all available data.
Education policy-makers are responsible for strategic decisions concerning the planning of the whole of the education system. The category of decisions at this level concerns the general policy and attainable medium or long-term objectives. The information required will deal more with aggregates used for setting the objectives on the national, regional or district level. Education planners comprise decision-makers who are in charge of management and operational control of the allocation of resources, for an efficient and equitable distribution. This level translates the general objectives into more technical operational decisions. It therefore requires more specific data to optimize the use of resources. Education administrators perform administrative and operational tasks at the school, district and regional levels. Administrative decisions are made at to the local level and hence require more detailed information.
In summary, EMIS is aimed to strengthen capacities in management, planning and dissemination of information at all levels of the education system for all levels of decision-making. To attain this goal, it has to: a) Improve capacities in collecting, processing, storing, analyzing, and disseminating data so that decision-makers, administrators and managers can base their decisions on timely and reliable data; b) Centralize and coordinate efforts in acquiring, processing, analyzing and disseminating education management information; c) Rationalize the nature and flow of information necessary for decision-making by reducing and eliminating duplications, and by filling in the information gaps;
d) Link and consolidate different existing information systems; e) Integrate and synthesize in one single system the quantitative and qualitative data; f) Improve data collection, and the use and dissemination of information for education management, in order to respond to the evolving needs for education information
DEVELOPMENT OF EMIS “Most countries develop an education database using the results of school census and/or surveys that are carried out on an intermittent basis. These data are published in bulky statistical yearbooks, often raw, fragmented and without analysis. And yet, policy-makers and other actors in management and planning need easily understandable and interpretable data.” Carrizo (2003,p.5).
DEVELOPED SYSTEMS: SMIS School Information and Statistic School Infrastructure School Facilities Students Statistics Exam Results Text Book and teacher guides’ statistic Student Certificates-MIS Student Profile Students three years exam results Issuing certificates Documents upload Procurement Tracking-MIS Tracks activities of: Goods projects Construction projects Consultancy projects
DEVELOPED SYSTEMS… HR-MIS Track employees’ Announcement process Test, Interview and selection process Performance evaluation Community Based Education-MIS Records overall number of CBE classes Number of Students Facilities Exam results Employees’ statistic Mobile, Web, SMS Application Data Collection Monitoring Data verification & Validation
EDUCATIONAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT Educational planning can be defined as 'the process of setting out in advance, strategies, policies, procedures, programmes and standards through which an educational objective (or set of objectives) can be achieved'. Educational Management is the process of planning, organising, directing, controlling and evaluating to accomplish predetermined objectives of an institution through coordinated use of human and material resources. Management is the Art/Science of: Getting work done
EDUCATIONAL PLANNING Educational planning, in its broadest generic sense, is the application of rational, systematic analysis to the process of educational development with the aim of making education more effective and efficient in responding to the needs and goals of its students and society.
The developments taking place in and the increasing complexity of the educational system have made educational planning an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY. The nation today faces problems such as population explosion, increasing aspirations among different sections of the society, man-power needs, mismatch between educational products and the demands of the economy, dwindling resources, ecological imbalances and disorganized applications of scientific developments. These problems place demands on the system of education for solutions. In order that the system of education meets these problems, planning becomes imperative and the competence to plan becomes MANDATORY.