Things You Should Know About Commercial Property Taxes Before Investing
The various taxes and charges on a property tax bill are complex and difficult to understand for a common person looking for investment opportunities in commercial properties.
There are certain things about commercial property taxes that you should be aware of before investing in commercial properties.
Let us discuss about some of these things associated with commercial property taxes.
Tax bill includes many different taxes & charges
A property tax bill consists of many taxes & charges like the 1 percent rate, voter-approved debt rates, parcel taxes, and assessments.
The 1 percent rate is the largest tax on the property tax bill and the only rate that applies uniformly across every locality.
The taxes due from the 1 percent rate and voter-approved debt rates are based on a property's assessed value.
Property tax base is diverse
The property tax base is very diverse in nature and is imposed on many types of property.
The 1 percent rate applies to owner- occupied residential properties, investment and vacation residential properties, and commercial properties.
Certain properties like properties owned by governments, hospitals, religious institutions, and charitable organizations are exempt from the 1 percent property tax rate.
Revenues from property taxes are given to local governments
Property tax revenue remains within the county in which it is collected and is used exclusively by local governments.
State laws control the allocation of property tax revenue from the 1 percent rate to the local governments, with certain districts and counties receiving the largest amount.
The distribution of property tax revenue, however, varies significantly from locality-to-locality.
Property tax has an effect on the state budget
Although the property tax is a local revenue source, it affects the state budget due to the state's education finance system.
Over the years, the state has changed the laws regarding property tax allocation many times in order to reduce its costs for education programs or address other policy interests.
Property tax revenue allocation has limitations
The state's laws regarding the allocation of property tax revenue from the 1 percent rate have evolved over time through legislation and voter initiatives.
The complex allocation system is not well understood, transparent, or responsive to modern local needs and preferences.
Property tax system has strengths & limitations
Economist evaluates taxes using five common tax policy criteria that are, growth, stability, simplicity, neutrality, and equity.
The state's property tax system exhibits strength and limitations when measured against these five criteria.
Since long revenue from the 1 percent rate has exceeded growth in the state's economy and property tax revenue also tends to be less volatile than other tax revenues.