When you are getting late for your work and start your car rashly, then you will often found that your car won't start.
You may also notice that the headlights of your car are dim and its engine refuses to turn over your car.
In this circumstances, you may also find and realize that your car battery is dead or going to be dead soon.
Here are the things that are responsible for your damage or drain battery. Here are the things that are responsible for your damage or drain battery. Faulty charging Old battery User errors Defective alternator
Faulty charging
If the charging system of your car isn't working properly, then your battery can drain even you are driving your car regularly.
Often the cars produce power to their light, radios and other systems from the alternator that can also make your battery drain due to the charging issues.
The bad charging will drain your battery power, so you will stand at the roadside with your stalled car.
You need to consult with a professional technician to diagnose what are the causes of the charging problem.
Old battery
If the battery of your car is old, then it might not hold the full charge to run your car efficiently.
If you notice that your car won't start constantly, then it may be the cause of your worn out battery.
So, as per the user's manual you need to replace your car battery on every 4 to 5 years.
If your car won't start due to the old battery, then your first preference is to replace your battery immediately.
User errors
The people often come from their work and left their car headlights on or didn't close the trunks completely.
Due to the turned headlights, the battery power drains overnight, as a result in the morning your car won't start.
Now the new modern cars alert the users if they left the lights on, but may not alert for other components.
In this circumstances, you better need to be alert before leaving your car in the garage for protecting your battery.
Defective alternator
The alternator of your car is used to recharge the battery and produce power to the certain electrical systems.
If you found that the alternator of your car is failed, then the battery power of your car can drain automatically.
The defective alternator can cause the circuit to charge even when the engine is shut off.
Due to these problems, when you start your car in the morning, you may found that your car won't start.
If the battery of your car won't hold the charge is frustrating and figuring out the problem can be tricky also.
If you find that the causes of the battery drain are not diagnosed by you, then you need to take the assistance of a qualified mechanic for diagnosing.
Thank you!