Male Organ Bumps -- Unusual Causes: Understanding Fabry Disease


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Bumps -- Unusual Causes: Understanding Fabry Disease

When a dude is focusing on male organ health, he needs to spend some time giving himself a physical examination. This involves both looking at and feeling the organ, in order to determine if there are any new male organ bumps, rashes, scars, cuts or other issues which may need to be addressed. In the realm of male organ bumps, it’s surprising – and some might say disturbing – the number of things that can be responsible for those bumps. One of the rarer – but often longer- lasting – of these causes is called Fabry disease.

About Fabry disease The National Institute of Health (NIH) says that Fabry disease is “an inherited disorder that results from the buildup of a particular type of fat, called globotriaosylceramide, in the body's cells.” This genetic disorder is, fortunately, not common; its incidence is approximately 1 in every 40,000-60,000 males; it is even less common among females. It often occurs early in life, usually between 5 and 10 years of age; however, there are cases of it occurring much later in life. In general, late-onset cases are milder than early-onset ones. There are numerous symptoms associated with Fabry disease. These include:

- Pain (often searing), typically in the hands and feet. This often is worse after exercising or physical exertion. - Vision and hearing issues. - Hypohidrosis, which is an inability to sweat at the level that the body needs.

- Gastrointestinal issues. - Small dark red or blue-black bumps, which appear in clusters on the torso and upper legs. It’s the last-named symptom which is the focus of this article. These dark red clusters can appear in numerous places, and that includes presenting as male organ bumps.

The male organ bumps These bumps – often called angiokeratomas – typically don’t appear on the member until adolescence. (They also are likely to appear on the sacks and on the posterior, as well as on areas between the manhood and the posterior.) In most instances, the male organ bumps do not itch or burn – which is a relief. But some men find them very unattractive and worry that they can be off-putting to potential partners.

The angiokeratomas –whether in the manhood or elsewhere on the body – can last for a long time. Treatment of Fabry disease can help clear these up, but sometimes doctors recommend other methods to remove the bumps. These include a laser surgery option, as well as cryotherapy or electronic treatment. Treating the Fabry disease itself is important, even if other methods are used to directly address the male organ bumps. The most common treatment is enzyme replacement therapy, which helps replace the missing enzyme (globotriaosylceramide).

One of the other member-related side effects of Fabry can be tumescence dysfunction. This is because the disease can sometimes cause blood vessels to narrow. When this occurs in the manhood, it is not able to get enough volume of blood when a tumescence is called for. Without a freely open and unblocked blood vessel, the tumescence will be diminished. Diagnosing Fabry disease can be difficult, and some people go undiagnosed into adulthood. A man who has clusters of male organ bumps should discuss this with his doctor –especially if he has clusters elsewhere on the body or exhibits any of the other common symptoms.

Fortunately, male organ bumps from Fabry disease do not itch or burn – but other male organ bumps may. Often using a top flight male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help soothe an afflicted member. It’s best to find a crème that includes both a high end emollient (shea butter is an excellent choice) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). This combination provides a “moisture lock” which helps hydrate male organ skin, providing soothing relief. The crème should also contain alpha lipoic acid, which, as a potent antioxidant, strengthens male organ skin by battling excess free radicals.male organ health crème