Avoiding Male Organ Odor After Sensual Activity


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Presentation transcript:

Avoiding Male Organ Odor After Sensual Activity

Not surprisingly, men often take steps to eliminate or minimize unpleasant male organ odor before going on a date or into a situation in which sensual activity is a distinct possibility. After all, when unveiling his equipment, a man wants to be greeted with gasps of surprise and pleasure, rather than someone gasping for fresh air. Following good male organ health and hygiene guidelines helps control male organ odor before sensual activity, but men need to remember that they need to take steps afterward as well. With that in mind, the following tips are recommended for avoiding rank male organ odor after sensual activity.

Wash up beforehand. In most cases, by the time a couple moves into the bedroom, several hours will have passed since the manhood was last washed and/or aired out. A guy knows that getting into sensual activity is going to increase the likelihood of male organ odor; after all, not only is there going to be a lot of sweating going on in the heat of the sensual moment, but the tightness of the female organ and the friction of the sensual activity is going to create more opportunity for sweat. And, while this may be a bit ungallant, the fact is that the female organ itself does not always carry an aroma of roses – and that odor is going to get transferred to the manhood. So the name of the game is to go into the sensual activity with as little pre-existing male organ odor as possible. With that in mind, if possible, take a quick trip to the bathroom and give the member a final rinsing before commencing with the sensual activity.

Wear a latex organ covering. Clearly in any casual sensual activity engagement, a man needs to be wearing a latex organ covering for protection against disease and to reduce the risk of an unwanted pregnancy. But donning a latex organ covering also helps protect against male organ odor. It will not eliminate it entirely, but the latex organ covering will retain a great deal of the scents generated during sensual activity which otherwise would have lingered on the manhood skin. Consider a trim. Although there is no scientific basis for this, anecdotal evidence suggests that a clean-shaven member and mid-section retains less odor than a hairy one. This is logical, as thick hair in the area catch and hold fluids which then dry and create an odor. When the area is clean-shaven, the fluids dry directly on the skin, making them easier to access and to wipe away. Speaking of which…

Clean up afterward. This is one of the most important things a man can do to help decrease post-sensual activity male organ odor. All too often, a man feels relaxed and satisfied after sensual activity, and before long that sense of contentment leads him to fall asleep. Even men who are instead invigorated by sensual activity often neglect a wash-up after sensual activity, and prefer to luxuriate in the experience. But guys do need to do a good cleaning; they don’t need to pop out of bed as soon as the deed is done, but within a reasonable amount of time, a little soap, water and drying is needed to keep things scent-free.

Use an appropriate creme. Men seeking to avoid male organ odor after sensual activity unfortunately often forget this crucial step: regularly using a superior male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). There are many cremes out there, but the one that is needed will list vitamin A among its ingredients. Also called retinol, vitamin A is valuable because it has anti-bacterial properties that can fight and destroy the bacteria which help bring about rank male organ odor. The best crème will also contain a powerful antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. By battling excess free radicals, alpha lipoic acid helps strengthen delicate member skin, making it better able to withstand intense washing to fight odors.male organ health creme