What are some of the common MYTHS about WAN Optimization?
Implementing WAN optimization has become one of the top 5 IT goals, which provides tremendous value through the reduction of bandwidth and by enhancing the application performance for the chatty applications. But the traditional WAN optimization was delivered a s a high-cost symmetric appliance solution.
WAN optimization appliances which were restricted to a couple of vendors, are now available from multiple vendors and in various sizes. Some of the top myths about the WAN optimization include:
Organizations think that they don’t need WAN optimization because they are of the opinion that bandwidth can solve all the problems related to application performance. Well, it is completely false.
Organizations may believe that WAN optimization is not a perfect fit because their traffic is real-time or encrypted. Well, this is really outdated because with the innovation of WAN Optimization market, the true global private networks have emerged, serving as a backbone for other services.
Organizations are of the opinion that WAN Optimization is possible on-premises with an appliance. But literally, it has become a thing of the past. There are many alternatives that exist today in order to deliver WAN optimization as a cloud-based OpEx service and that too without any upfront investment.
The WAN Optimization Appliances are one time investment. This is obviously false and the customers realize it after they buy their appliances and install them.
WAN Optimization virtual appliances are cheap. Though they might be cheaper, the high cost is about more than the box. An optimization appliance is an appliance, and even a virtual one requires resources like memory, processing, and storage in order to execute the process for which it is designed.
So while keeping these points in mind, I can say “Today, the definition of WAN has changed considerably, as now WAN includes mobile workers, web applications, cloud services, partners and customers.”
References Used To Create This PPT enterprise-network/ business/ optimization