Male Organ Skin and Vitamin D: A Healthy Combo


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Skin and Vitamin D: A Healthy Combo

Men like to be proud of their manhood and its appearance, and part of that pride comes from having attractive male organ skin. One reason for men to pay attention to proper male organ health is that it has an effect on the quality of the male organ skin. A well cared-for member is less likely to be dry and flaky or to be covered in pimples or scars. So as a man plans his manhood care regimen, he needs to be sure that it includes a product that contains vitamin D.

Why vitamin D? Unlike most other vitamins, vitamin D is not very frequently found in foods (although some foods have vitamin D added to them). This fat- soluble vitamin is instead often taken as a supplement. But it does occur naturally in the body when a person is exposed to ultraviolet rays from simple sunlight – meaning that typically a person gets more vitamin D during the summer and less during the winter. So vitamin D is unusual, acting more like a hormone than a vitamin in some ways. But how does it help preserve healthy male organ skin? It does so in several ways, actually.

It helps fight acne, including pimples on the member. Sometimes, a weakened immune system can cause the body to overproduce oil in skin cells, leading to outbreaks of acne. The sebaceous glands get blocked, and the back-up this causes allows pimples to form on the male organ skin surface. Vitamin D can help boost the immune system, preventing the release of too much oil to the skin. It renews the skin. Skin cells, like all cells, go through a natural life cycle, ending (also naturally) in their death. But new cells are constantly being created to replace the old ones. Skin has a healthier appearance when the new cells are able to keep up and replace the old cells; when there are too many old cells, the skin has a less healthy appearance. Vitamin D is excellent at helping to rejuvenate the skin by accelerating new cell production.

It helps in skin repair. Cuts and scrapes are a natural part of life, even on the manhood (and even if a guy doesn’t manscape). But cuts can mar otherwise attractive skin. Vitamin D supports healing of cuts, scraps and wounds, which ensures a healthier pen8is skin appearance. (Lack of vitamin D also means that the outer layer of skin cells may often be thinner than is needed.)

It can aid in getting rid of psoriasis. Psoriasis is a skin condition caused by an autoimmune reaction. When a person has psoriasis, parts of their skin – which can include the member – develop red, itchy, scaly patches. The exact cause (or causes) of psoriasis are still being determined, but there have been several studies which have found a link between vitamin D deficiency and psoriasis. Often, increasing the amount of vitamin D in the body can aid the process of banishing psoriasis, as well as many symptoms that are associated with the condition.

As mentioned, vitamin D is not naturally found in many foods, which means that supplementation is often the best way to boost one’s vitamin D levels. Consulting with a doctor to determine the appropriate level is a good idea. Since male organ skin can benefit from an adequate amount of vitamin D, it clearly makes sense to try to use a top notch male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) that includes vitamin D among its ingredients. Using this vitamin D-enriched crème regularly, especially during the dark months of winter, is urged. In addition, the crème needs to also contain other ingredients which can help ensure healthy male organ skin, including moisturizing agents like shea butter and vitamin E and an antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid.male organ health creme