Time for a New Sales Strategy Gone are the days when a client would call you with his complaint, he would rather post a review on social media badmouthing your company. So, when your customers have moved on to the digital world, why should you be struggling with old ways of communication?In the past few decades – with the global technology ushering in sweeping changes in the economy – the dynamics of the Manufacturing Industry has changed dramatically! However, this has not yet translated into hyper-growth for the Indian Manufacturing Industry. There is a tremendous pressure from the competitive and substitutive forces in the Red Ocean of similar products. Still, the challenge is not the production of the product (we all aim to create the best out of given resources, don’t we!); it’s the sales that have lagged behind. It could be because of competition, undervalued product, or lack of serious efforts. Here’s the thing: It is none of these reasons, it is the communication that is not getting channelized properly! Word-Of-Mouth Isn’t a Thing Anymore It’s the world of busy - half the people don’t have time to listen to you and other half are not interested in what you are saying; by all means, your word is getting unheard. Yet, word of mouth seems the only way out for many businesses, especially B2B sector. The manufacturers may be oblivious to the potential of marketing in the current scenario - contented with the word-of-mouth or cold calling and settle with the same. But, the news is that the world doesn’t operate on the old ways anymore! The world is evolving with the technological advancement- digital and compact. The size of the screen of our laptops, mobile phones have become small significantly only to have the world on our tips, a few clicks. The world, now accessible through social networking sites, operates on view-of-eyes. Cold Calling Should Not Be Your Sales Strategy
Reaching out to someone is as simple as punching few buttons on a cell phone. Be it personal or official call, people enjoy the fancy the device can provide – it connects us to the people that are important– connections that matter. The device with such a potential does appear as a good prospect for attracting clients, while you may be just pushing them farther. It is likely that your potential client blocks your number or even marks you as spam, dumping all the possibility of actually reaching out to him. The mistake that most of the salesmen make is not to care for personal space. You may be barging in your customer’s space with your repeated calls. Your customer has a job too! Tune in the digital channels The rigorous social interaction today is impeccable. Be it debates for a social cause or voicing personal opinions, social media has always come to the rescue. Digital space has ushered marketing into its future In 2004, when Facebook had gone live, as a social portal for casual interactions, revolutionized the communication altogether. Today, it is being used for personal and business promotions extensively, from the start-ups, small business, to global business and MNCs. What is more amusing is that Facebook is just a piece of the whole. To name few – there are portals – Twitter, Linkedin, and Instagram, etcetera. The new era calls for a different strategy for your sales. The time and space have shrunk and so should our communication. Instead of badgering your customers into a conversation, the attention must be gained in a time window of few seconds, with a human touch and play of words and colors & creative. The focus should be on the exchange of ideas than pitching the customers, and that must be done on a subconscious level. Instead of getting unheard and hung up, the business should focus on leveraging the channels where your prospective customers are! If you are facing a similar problem, get Impalsified! Impalsified! About Us Impals Marcom LLP is the Digital Marketing company established in Pune. Impals Marcom LLP provides following services. 1.Media Relations 2.Marketing Collaterals 3.Branding 4.Market Research 5.Digital Marketing 6.Website Development 7.Designing 8.Content Marketing
9.Content Writing 10.Consultation Our team consists of experienced professionals from a diversified background with one common interest, i.e. providing the best possible solution that matches your business line. We are highly devoted to serving you with creative and upgraded solutions that are dynamic yet feasible. Our copywriters are often found blue-sky writing over a cup of coffee while our designers are peevish with creating art-work like never before! Our digital marketing team brainstorm on how to skyrocket a digital /online presence! Our Client Servicing Team believes that the ideas can really brew over a coffee. We are ready to walk that extra mile to listen to all your worries sitting at your office desk! Contact US Impals Marcom LLP 2nd floor Ariana, Near New Poona Bakery, Bhumkar Chowk, Marunji Road, Wakad Pune , Maharashtra. Phone No: Website: