Best and Cheap Furniture Las Vegas
With so many cleaning methods and different products out there, one can go crazy trying to figure out the best way to care for your gorgeous real wood cheap furniture Las Vegas. Here at Jubilee Furniture in Las Vegas we have tons of beautiful fine wood furniture pieces. Mary Li, The Furniture lady of Las Vegas, has put together some great tips to care for your real wood furniture.
The care for your real wood furniture really depends on the finish of the piece. Always, always dust your real wood furniture. Frequent dusting removes airborne deposits that build up in a filmy layer and can scratch the surface. The best method for dusting is using a clean, dry, soft cloth or feather dusters to effectively remove dust on your real wood furniture. The furniture lady of Las Vegas recommends that you damp the cloth slightly to avoid any scattering of the dust into the air that will later land back into the real wood furniture surface.
The Furniture Lady of Las Vegas recommends starting out with a gentle household cleaner such as dishwashing detergent. Mix the water and detergent in a bucket and use solution to sponge down the entire real wood furniture piece. Cheap Furniture Las Vegas
Furniture Store Las Vegas
Contact Us 4525 W. Spring Mountain Road, Las Vegas, NV (702)