ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/


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Presentation transcript:

ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/

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ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/ ADM 634 Week 1 Discussion 2 For more course tutorials visit How do you feel social policy affects politics in the United States? Use examples to support your positions.

ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/ ADM 634 Week 1 Public Policy Topic For more course tutorials visit Details: Research current public policies. Pick one current public policy to examine throughout this course. The rest of this assignment will be divided into parts throughout various modules.

ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/ ADM 634 Week 2 Discussion 1 For more course tutorials visit There has been much debate in recent years about the role of the Federal Reserve System. Explain in detail how the Federal Reserve functions an influences policy decisions.

ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/ ADM 634 Week 2 Discussion 2 For more course tutorials visit The New American Democracy discusses many different tax policies that have been made over the years. Choose one of these policies and explain why that policy is good or

ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/ ADM 634 Week 2 Economic Policy Power Point For more course tutorials visit Details: Create a PowerPoint presentation (10-12 slides) that addresses the following: Choose an economic period in the United States within the past 100 years (this could be any period of time that you choose), and catalogue what was happening in the economy during that period.

ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/ ADM 634 Week 3 Discussion 1 For more course tutorials visit How much government intrusion into daily life is acceptable? Is the reduction in personal freedom worth the benefits that the policy provides to society? What kinds

ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/ ADM 634 Week 3 Discussion 2 For more course tutorials visit The federal government inserted itself directly and massively into the economy during the economic crisis of 2008 and 2009, largely by trying to bail out or rescue corporations

ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/ ADM 634 Week 4 Discussion 1 For more course tutorials visit Provide a current policy example, use the theories of politics (such as elite, group, or rational choice) to help explain why the policy was selected. How do the assumptions

ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/ ADM 634 Week 4 Discussion 2 For more course tutorials visit Under what circumstances might U.S. public policy be made in accordance with the wishes of the American people? What kinds of policy decisions reflect the public’s preferences?

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ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/ ADM 634 Week 5 Discussion 2 For more course tutorials visit What might increase citizens’ level of interest and participation? What would motivate you to become more active?

ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/ ADM 634 Week 5 Public Participation and McCutcheon For more course tutorials visit Details: Review the case of McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission. In a 750-1,000 word essay, address the following:

ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/ ADM 634 Week 6 Discussion 1 For more course tutorials visit Which of the many evaluative criteria are the most important? Economic costs or efficiency? Policy effectiveness? Equity? Why do you think so? Are some criteria more import

ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/ ADM 634 Week 6 Discussion 2 For more course tutorials visit In relation to the public policy of No Child Left Behind, what do you think the impact of this policy is? Would you make any changes? What are you basing your opinion on?

ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/ ADM 634 Week 6 Sugary Drinks Portion Cap Rule For more course tutorials visit Details: Review the proposed ‘Soda Ban’ in New York City. In a 750 to 1,000 word essay, address the following:

ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/ ADM 634 Week 7 Discussion 1 For more course tutorials visit Discuss ways the Oregon Lottery and the Oregon Department of Education could have avoided the negative editorial written by the Oregon Center for Public Policy.

ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/ ADM 634 Week 7 Discussion 2 For more course tutorials visit What are the positive aspects of public relations being used by government? What role can public relations play in national emergencies and furthering public policy?

ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/ ADM 634 Week 7 Public Policy Paper For more course tutorials visit Details: Using the public policy that you chose, create a paper (1,750-2,000 words) to discuss the following criteria applying the six stages of public policy making:

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ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/ ADM 634 Week 8 Discussion 2 For more course tutorials visit After reading the Articles of the Constitution that pertain to war powers, and the commentary over the debate; do you feel the executive branch should have as much power as

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ADM 634 Possible Is Everything/