Why Should We Opt For Concrete Polishing? Polished concrete is concrete that has been hardened with a chemical densifier and ground with progressively finer diamond tooling. If possible concrete should be of an ideal strength of 32Mpa for a full gloss finish, other strengths of concrete can however be polished to some degree. The best time to do your research and make inquiry’s regarding your polished concrete floor is before you pour your concrete.
Understanding Polished Concrete Currently, the industry breaks down the process of concrete polishing into concrete grinding and concrete polishing. Some within the industry simply use the word "polishing" for the entire process. The process of polishing concrete consists of three consecutive categories: concrete grinding, concrete honing and concrete polishing. Each category is then broken down into multiple steps, consisting of consecutively finer grit abrasives. During this process a densifier or hardener is applied that is absorbed into the concrete creating a chemical reaction that makes the concrete more dense and hard.
Steps Of Concrete Polishing – True Polished Concrete 1. Ground concrete is the lowest category of steps of a processed concrete surface. Any grit abrasive from approximately a 50- grit resin and below is considered a grinding step. 2. Honed concrete is the next category of steps above ground concrete in the processing system. Any grit abrasive from approximately a 100-grit resin to a 400-grit resin is considered a honing step. A honed concrete surface has a matte appearance and/or slight clarity of reflection that has a low, medium or high sheen. 3. Polished concrete is the highest category of steps of processed concrete.
Concrete Grind & Seal / Concrete Grinding Grind and seal is the process by which the concrete is ground to the level of aggregate stone exposure desired. That is the degree to which we see the stones that are contained within the concrete mix. A few variations are offered based on the level where the grinding process is stopped. It can be finished at a rough, scratchy level or to smooth finish. This will determine the cost of the job. The surface is then sealed with a concrete acrylic sealer, epoxy or polyurethane coating. While looking fantastic in a variety of finishes including honed, satin or high gloss, this coating will need to be reapplied over time. This system is also more prone to scratching. Grind & Seal is a popular choice for customers due to the lower cost than a Grind & Polish, which is a more labour intensive process.
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