What are the Duties of a Special Events Security Guard? If LJou’ƌe iŶteƌested iŶ gettiŶg iŶto the seĐuƌitLJ guaƌd ďusiŶess, it ŵaLJ ďe ďest to staƌt as a guard for special events. This allows you to get the experience you need while protecting the people aŶd assets at the eǀeŶt. A sŵalleƌ oĐĐasioŶ Đould ďe ideal if LJou’ƌe ǁoƌkiŶg seĐuƌitLJ foƌ the fiƌst tiŵe, aŶd theƌe aƌe ĐeƌtaiŶ thiŶgs that LJou’ll Ŷeed to ǁatĐh out foƌ to eŶsuƌe LJou’ƌe doiŶg the best job. Here are a few factors to keep in mind so you can do your best on the job and increase your chances of working future events. Be suƌe that LJou ĐheĐk out the ǀeŶue ďefoƌe the eǀeŶt. This ǁaLJ, LJou’ll kŶoǁ ǁheƌe the entrances and exits are, and you can see if there are any potential areas where people can hide if they are engaging in illegal activity. Check the stairwells and hallways of the venue and get faŵiliaƌ ǁith theŵ aŶd kŶoǁ if LJou’ll Ŷeed to use these aƌeas as a ĐheĐkpoiŶt for the event to make sure people are not entering the main space with weapons or dangerous materials. Inspect the main event room and the surrounding areas to see where people will put their puƌses aŶd Đoats so LJou’ll kŶoǁ ǁhiĐh aƌeas to keep aŶ eLJe oŶ ǁhile the event is going on. It's also a good idea to kŶoǁ hoǁ to spot fake ID Đaƌds if LJou’ll ďe ǁoƌkiŶg the dooƌ at aŶ eǀeŶt. If LJou’ƌe the seĐuƌitLJ guaƌd iŶ Đhaƌge of ĐheĐkiŶg ID at a Đluď oƌ ďaƌ aŶd LJou Ŷeed to ŵake suƌe that no criminals or minors are entering the venue with counterfeit identification. You should know what authentic drivers licenses and ID cards look like; remember that different states and ƌegioŶs haǀe dƌiǀeƌs liĐeŶses ǁith diffeƌeŶt desigŶs, so LJou’ll Ŷeed to kŶoǁ ǁhat LJou’ƌe lookiŶg foƌ so LJou ǁoŶ’t let the ǁƌoŶg people iŶto the ǀeŶue. Since you may have to chase a criminal who has stolen a purse or valuable piece of jewellery fƌoŵ soŵeoŶe ǁho is atteŶdiŶg the eǀeŶt, it’s ǀeƌLJ iŵpoƌtaŶt foƌ LJou to ďe iŶ good shape. Afteƌ it’s ďeeŶ ĐoŶfiƌŵed that LJou’ll ďe ǁoƌkiŶg seĐuƌitLJ foƌ a speĐial eǀeŶt, ŵake suƌe that LJou’ƌe comfortable running fast for short distances or detaining a criminal until the police arrive. If LJou’ƌe iŶ deĐeŶt shape, LJou’ll feel ŵoƌe ĐoŶfideŶt ǁheŶ LJou haǀe to edžeƌt physical energy to do your job. While it’s Ŷot a ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶt that LJou haǀe a guŶ iŶ all Đases, it’s ďest Ŷot to haǀe a guŶ as a seĐuƌitLJ offiĐeƌ uŶless LJou aƌe tƌaiŶed to use oŶe aŶd kŶoǁ that LJou ǁoŶ’t use the guŶ uŶless it’s aďsolutelLJ ŶeĐessaƌLJ. You may also be given plastic handcuffs in case you have to detain soŵeoŶe uŶtil the poliĐe aƌƌiǀe. If LJou’ll ďe giǀeŶ a taseƌ foƌ the eǀeŶt LJou’ƌe ǁoƌkiŶg, get soŵe tƌaiŶiŶg ďefoƌehaŶd so LJou’ll feel Đoŵfoƌtaďle usiŶg the deǀiĐe if ŶeĐessaƌLJ. SiŵplLJ haǀiŶg these weapons in a holster that partygoers or attendees can clearly see is sometimes enough to deter potential troublemakers from making the event an unsafe situation. Article Source: ht p:/