Which Services Make For Great Sober Living Homes? Once you transition from rehab and want to make sure that you stay on the right path, moving to a sober living home is a great idea. However, different sober living facilities offer different features, and you need to know which ones are right for you. When it comes to counselling, choose a sober living home that offers both individual and group/faŵilLJ sessioŶs. There are soŵe aspeĐts of LJour soďrietLJ jourŶeLJ that LJou’ll Ŷeed to figure out on your own with the help of a professional therapist. However, there are other parts of the proĐess that LJou’ll Ŷeed to ǁork through ǁith the people ǁho haǀe ďeeŶ direĐtlLJ affected by your drug or alcohol use. For instance, if your substance abuse caused you to lose your job and ability to take care of your family, it may be best to sit down with your spouse and children and apologize for the way that your drug use has negatively changed the family dLJŶaŵiĐ. If LJou’ǀe edžperieŶĐed faŵilLJ trauŵa due to soŵethiŶg LJour pareŶts, siblings or extended family have done to you, or your entire family has gone through a tragedy that led LJou to alĐohol or drugs, LJou’ll Ŷeed to disĐuss this iŶ therapLJ sessioŶs that ǁill help LJou aŶd all your loved ones find the healing and resolve you need to truly start healing and living a sober life. The journey to sobriety is very much mental, which is why practices like yoga and meditation can help you become healthier. If you want to use holistic methods to help you achieve mental balance, a sober living facility that offers daily meditation and yoga sessions could prove to be ďeŶefiĐial. It’s also a good idea to ŵake sure that the soďer hoŵe LJou ǁaŶt to liǀe iŶ giǀes LJou aĐĐess to a health ĐoaĐh or dietiĐiaŶ so LJou’ll kŶoǁ ǁhiĐh foods ǁill Ŷourish your mind and body and help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety that can make it more difficult to be drug- free. While LJou’re liǀiŶg iŶ the soďer house, LJou’ll Ŷeed to ďe ǀerLJ Đlear aďout ǁhat LJour goals ǁill ďe once you leave. Your counsellor will help you to write a list of things you want to achieve, and giǀe LJou the skills aŶd tips LJou Ŷeed to aĐĐoŵplish LJour goals. You’ll also ďe paired ǁith a sponsor who will serve as an accountability partner. The sponsor is usually someone who has also had a struggle with drugs or alcohol in the past and has been living substance-free for a Ŷuŵďer of LJears. You’ll Ŷeed to ĐoŵŵuŶiĐate ǁith this persoŶ ofteŶ, ǁhether it’s to Đeleďrate an accomplishment or to ask for assistance when life starts to get stressful. OŶĐe LJou’ǀe ĐhoseŶ the soďer liǀiŶg hoŵes that LJou thiŶk ǁould ďe ďest for LJou, ĐheĐk to see hoǁ LJou’ll paLJ for LJour liǀiŶg arraŶgeŵeŶts. IŶ soŵe Đases, LJou’ll Ŷeed to haǀe a joď so that LJou ĐaŶ paLJ LJour reŶt, or LJou’ll haǀe to haǀe health iŶsuraŶĐe to foot the bill. Make sure that payment arrangements are in place before you move in so that you can stay at the facility as long as you need to. Article Source: ht p:/