10 Rare and extreme types of migraines you’ve Never Heard of A Migraine is a primary headache disorder characterized by recurrent headaches that are moderate to severe i.e nausea, vomiting and dizziness.dizziness
Signs and symptoms: ● The pain phase, also known as headache phase. ● The aura,which immediately precedes the headache. ● The prodrome,which occurs hours or days before the headache. ● The postdrome, the effects experienced following the end of a migraine attack.
Hemiplegic migraines Hemiplegic migraine is a rare and serious type migraine headache. Many of its symptoms mimic those common to stroke; for example, muscle weakness can be so extreme that it causes a temporary paralysis on one side of your body, which doctors call hemiplegia.vision and speech-disorder are the some symptoms which might mimic a stroke.speech-disorderstroke
Ocular migraine Ocular migraines are temporary visual disturbances that can affect one or both eyes.though they can be frightening, ocular migraines typically are harmless and the visual symptoms. Other terms used by eye doctors to describe ocular migraines include ophthalmic migraines, retinal migraines and eye migraines.in some cases, the pain may be felt by the entire head.
Basilar migraine Basilar migraine is a rare form of migraine that includes symptoms such as loss of balance,double vision, blurred vision, during the headache, some people lose consciousness.this migraine variant may also be tinnitus.tinnitus Basilar artery migraine which may lead to dizziness and go-away.go-away Symptoms of basilar type migraine: ● Loss of speech ● Hearing problem
● Slurring of speech ● Loss of consciousness ● Dizziness and vertigo ● Visual changes ● Disorientation and confusion ● Double vision and other.
An ophthalmoplegic migraines This migraine which is common in children and young adults. Symptoms for ophthalmoplegic migraine: ● Eye pain ● Sensitivity to light ● Sensitivity to sound ● Nausea or vomiting
Menstrual migraine Menstrual migraine. A specific condition where the timing of attacks is linked to the menstrual cycle.many women report that menstruation is a migraine trigger, there is a The psychological impact of having these two events together can be traumatic specific condition known as menstrual migraine. Symptoms: ● Vomiting ● Throbbing ● Nausea
Abdominal migraine Abdominal migraine typically occurs in infants, toddlers, children and teens.abdominal migraines usually happen in young people who will later suffer from migraine attacks, Symptoms for abdominal migraine: ● Pain is described as dull or sore ● Loss of appetite ● Nausea ● Vomiting
conclusion ● The physical pain of migraine is significant. ● Treatment success is limited and fraught with issues including side effects amd high costs. ● Migraine is a disorder associated with significant psychosocial impact.