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Stepwise Instructions To Fill PAR Online PAR - Performance Appraisal Report
Step 1: Starting the SPARROW Site Open the browser (Internet Explorer). In the address bar enter the URL
Enter the URL
Step 2 : If the page containing Security message appears click on ‘Continue to this website (not recommended)’ Click to Continue
After entering the URL Login page of SPARROW appears.
Enter NIC Email ID(Part before or Step 3 : Procedure To Login In SPARROW. Enter your NIC Email ID(Part before or and password. Enter NIC Email ID(Part before or Click to Login Enter Password For example: If the user’s email ID is or then his username by which he would be accessing the application would be ‘abc’ , the part before or
Step 4 : After logging in the page appears. Now click on Inbox
Step 5 : If you have pending PAR it will be shown in My PAR(1) Tab Step 5 : If you have pending PAR it will be shown in My PAR(1) Tab. Click on APAR ID to open PAR Click on My PAR(1) Tab Click on APAR ID
Click on Section I to see Details Step 6 : Checking Section I details Click on Section I to see Details
Click if any Discrepancy
Submit Error Report If there is any discrepancy in Section I it can be send to DOP with the help of ‘Submit Error Report’
Step 7 : Fill Section 2 of PAR Two buttons appears ‘Save As Draft’ and ‘Send To Reporting Authority’
Step 8 : Descriptions of Buttons Save As Draft Partially filled PAR can be saved if officer want to complete it later. Send To Reporting Authority Fill section 2 and forward to Reporting Authority
Send to Reporting Authority with DSC device. If an Officer wants to send the PAR to the Reporting Officer, he need to Plug-in the DSC device. It has to be registered for the first time. To register, Click on DSC in the left Pane and then click on Register under DSC link. This is one time activity. Once DSC is registered, there is no need to register again. If registered, just Plug-in the DSC device and click on the Send to Reporting Authority, it will automatically attach digital signature. Note- How to register DSC device with Sparrow(Click to see).
On click ‘Send To Reporting Authority’ button message box appears showing details of Officer to whom APAR has been sent The PAR sent can be viewed in ‘Sent’ link in left Pane.
The PAR submitted by Officer will be filled at different levels (Reporting, Reviewing, Accepting) and finally sent to CR section. The Accepting Authority forward PAR to CR Section. The CR Section will disclose the PAR to the Officer concerned. Officer can check the filled PAR in his Inbox section.
Step 9 : Reporting Authority PAR is received by Reporting Authority when forwarded by an Officer The Reporting Authority fill the necessary details. Reporting Authority forward PAR to Reviewing Authority
Step 10 : Reporting Authority can see the PAR in Access PAR (1) tab Click on APAR ID to open
Step 11 : Reporting Authority has to fill Section III and Section I Section II are only readable There are 2 button ‘Save as Draft’ and ‘Send to Reviewing Authority’
Step 12 : Descriptions of Buttons Save as Draft Partially filled PAR can be saved if Authority want to complete it later. Send to Reviewing Authority Completed PAR is send to the Reviewing Authority. Officer has to Plug-in DSC before sending to attach digital signature.
On clicking on ‘Send to Reviewing Authority’ the message box appear showing details of Officer to whom APAR has been sent.
Step 13 : Reviewing Authority PAR is received by Reviewing Authority when forwarded by Reporting Authority The Reviewing Authority fill the necessary details. Reviewing Authority forward PAR to Accepting Authority
Step 14 : Reviewing Authority can see the PAR in Access PAR (1) tab Click on APAR ID to open
Step 15 : Reviewing Authority has to fill Section IV while Section I Section II and Section III are only readable Section IV There are 2 button ‘Save as Draft’ and ‘Send to Reviewing Authority’
Step 16 : Descriptions of Buttons Save as Draft Partially filled PAR can be saved if Authority want to complete it later. Send to Accepting Authority Completed PAR is sent to the Accepting Authority Officer has to Plug-in DSC before sending to attach digital signature.
On clicking on ‘Send to Accepting Authority’ the message box appear showing details of Officer to whom APAR has been sent.
Step 17 : Accepting Authority PAR is received by Accepting Authority when forwarded by Reviewing Authority The Accepting Authority fill the necessary details. Accepting Authority forward PAR to CR Section for disclose to Officer
Step 18 : Accepting Authority can see the PAR in Access PAR (1) tab Click on APAR ID to open
Step 19 : Accepting Authority has to fill Section V while Section I Section II Section III and Section IV are only readable Section V There is a button ‘Disclose To Employee’
Step 20 : Descriptions of Buttons Disclose To Employee Completed PAR is send to CR Section which discloses it to the Officer concerned Officer has to Plug-in DSC before sending to attach digital signature.
On clicking on ‘Disclose To Employee’ the message box appear showing details of Officer to whom APAR has been sent.
Step 21 : PAR received from CR Section is shown in My PAR(1) Tab Mail from CR Section
Step 22 : Accepting or Sending PAR to Representation Two buttons appears ‘I Accept’ and ‘Put for Representation’
Step 23 : Descriptions of Buttons I Accept User Accept the PAR and it goes back to CR Put For Representation Officer want to give Representation
The PAR accepted by user, CR Section close the PAR and will forward to EO Section. The EO Section send the completed and closed PAR to CCA Section The CR Section gets a alert in case the PAR is PUT To Representation
PAR for Representation Step 24 : Sending PAR to Representation PAR for Representation
Step 25 : Filling up details Views for consideration Choose a file in case user want to Reference Submit PAR for Representation On clicking on ‘Submit’ button the Representation will be send to concerned Section Officer has to Plug-in DSC before sending to attach digital signature.
On clicking on ‘Submit’ the message box appear showing details of Officer to whom APAR has been sent.
Click on DSC for Registering Step 26 : Registering for DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) Click on DSC for Registering
DSC registration requires JAVA Download it from To register for DSC Officer must plug in the DSC device and click on DSC Registration. Enter the pin when asked for activating the DSC Device
Click on DSC Registration Step 27 : DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) Registration Click on DSC Registration
Enter PIN no of your DSC Device Step 28 : Entering PIN for DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) Enter PIN no of your DSC Device Press OK
Select enrolled certificate Step 29 : Selecting Certificate for DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) Select enrolled certificate Click Register
On clicking on ‘Register’ the message box appear showing successful registration.
Step 30 : Officer can see his active DSC in DSC Registration Section There are two buttons ‘DSC Registration’ and ‘Deactivate DSC’
Step 31 : Descriptions of Buttons DSC Registration Button is used for new DSC registration Deactivate DSC In case an Officer want to deactivate his DSC, he has to select this button. Select the DSC Certificate and click Deactivate DSC the device will be deactivated. Back
Frequently asked questions are available on SPARROW website for your help. Click to know FAQ
Sec Landline No. – 0141-5153222 Extension/IP No. – 23333 Help line/Help desk No. For any type of query, support and problem contact SPARROW help line number (same as eOffice Help Desk). Sec Landline No. – 0141-5153222 Extension/IP No. – 23333