國立清華大學 研究所舊生學生宿舍申請流程 ( 校本部 ) Dormitory Application Guideline for Current Graduate Student (Main Campus)


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校外使用圖書館購置之資料庫 龍華大學圖書館. 讀者遠端認證 (RPA) 設定說明  透過圖書館架設完成的 RPA (Remote Patron Authentication) 讀者遠端認證代理主 機系統,讀者於校外或院外 可直接連線使 用本館所提供的資料庫。  若非使用本館電子資料,請勿設定此代理.
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1 國立清華大學博碩士論文 全文系統 清華圖書館讀者服務組 分機: 論文轉檔說明 -- 上載論文操作說明 上載論文操作說明.
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Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost) 綜合學科參考類精華版. 簡介 主題  涵蓋多元化之學術研究領域,為現今全球最大之綜合學科參考類 資庫之一。 資料類型  索引、摘要及全文 (1975~present) 更新速度  每月更新  其他  收錄期刊一覽表,請參閱.
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著作權所有 © 旗標出版股份有限公司 第 14 章 製作信封、標籤. 本章提要 製作單一信封 製作單一郵寄標籤.
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Presentation transcript:

國立清華大學 研究所舊生學生宿舍申請流程 ( 校本部 ) Dormitory Application Guideline for Current Graduate Student (Main Campus)

Step 1 : 詳閱相關規定 Related Rules  為維護同學權益 , 申請前請務必詳閱相關法規及注意事項 。  宿舍費用以每學期住宿組之公告為準 。  請務必於申請時程內完成申請 , 逾期視同放棄優先資格 。  請務必完成所有申請流程再行離開 , 申請完成後將寄出信件通知並可至申請名單 查 詢 。  申請後如欲放棄 , 請務必於床位公告後兩週內辦理放棄手續 。  住宿申請期程及相關公告請詳閱住宿組網頁 1.php?Lang=zh-twhttp://sthousing.web.nthu.edu.tw/files/ ,r php?Lang=zh-tw  For your rights, please read the details of dorm rules and notifications.  The dormitory fee is based on the announcement of each semester.  Must complete the application within the period. Otherwise, you will lose the priority.  Must complete all steps and you will receive the confirmed . Or you can check the application list.  When the room number is given, application for withdrawal shall be arranged within 2 weeks.  Announcement of Dormitory Application 1.php?Lang=zh-twhttp://sthousing.web.nthu.edu.tw/files/ ,r php?Lang=zh-tw

Step 2 : 選擇校區 Select the Campus

Step 3 : 選擇申請入口 Select the Entrance

Step 4-1 : 暑期申請 Summer Application A. 宿舍規則 Dorm Rules  A. 請詳閱相關法規及注意事項 , 確認後同意規章開始申請  A. Read the rules and click the “Agree”

Step 4-1 : 暑期申請 Summer Application B-1. 保留原寢 Original Room B-2. 非原寢 Non-Original Room  B. 選擇由 ” 保留原寢 ” 或 “ 非原寢 ” 進入申請  B. Select the link of “Original Room” or “Non-Original Room”

Step 4-1 : 暑期申請 Summer Application C. 人數及資料 Group and Information  C. 選擇人數並填寫資料 填寫資料 : 學號 6~9 碼 、 西元出生年月 8 碼 、 有效連絡電話及信箱 、 本人銀行帳號 可選擇 1~2 人組 , 幾人組僅代表一組人數不代表為幾人房 有優先住宿權同學 ( 境外生 、 優先住宿 …) 無法與其他同學為一組申請  C. Select the number of people and fill in the information Information : student ID 、 birthday 、 available phone number and 、 personal bank account You can select 1-person or 2-persons group. # of group doesn’t mean that you apply for twin or single room. The student who has the priority such as non-Taiwanese can’t apply with other students.

Step 4-1 : 暑期申請 Summer Application D. 確認申請 Check the Application  D-1. 申請保留原寢的同學 , 請確認原寢資料是否正確 , 如有問題請連繫住宿組  D-2. 申請非原寢的同學 , 送出後前往下一步  D-1. Check the original room. If it’s wrong, please contact the Division of Student Housing.  D-2. If you choose the non-original room, please click “Submit and go to next step”.

Step 4-1 : 暑期申請 Summer Application E. 法規摘要 Summary of Rules  E. 確認法規摘要  E. Check the summary of rules and regulations

Step 4-1 : 暑期申請 Summer Application F. 完成申請 Complete the Application  F. 完成申請將自動寄信至信箱並可於申請名單 查 詢 由住宿組安排床位 , 最終床位安排結果將另行公告於網頁上  F. If complete the application, you will receive the confirmed and you can inquire the list. Division of Student Housing arranges the bed and will announce the result on website.

Step 4-2 : 單人房申請 Single room A. 宿舍規則 Dorm Rules  A. 請詳閱相關法規及注意事項 , 確認後同意規章開始申請  A. Read the rules and click the “Agree”

Step 4-2 : 單人房申請 Single room B-1. 保留原寢 Original Room B-2. 志願齋 Preferred Choices  B. 選擇由 ” 保留原寢 ” 或 “ 志願齋 ” 進入申請 不論是保留原寢或志願齋 , 每年皆需重新亂數抽籤  B. Select the link of “Original Room” or “Preferred Choices” No matter you choose “Original Room” or “Preferred Choices”, it shall be drawn lots every year.

Step 4-2 : 單人房申請 Single room C. 填寫資料 Information  C. 填寫資料 填寫資料 : 學號 6~9 碼 、 西元出生年月 8 碼 、 有效連絡電話及信箱 、 本人銀行帳號  C. Select the number of people and fill in the information Information : student ID (6~9 numbers) 、 birthday (yyyymmdd) 、 available phone number and 、 personal bank account

Step 4-2 : 單人房申請 Single room D-1. 保留原寢 Original Room  D-1. 申請保留原寢的同學 , 請確認原寢資料是否正確 , 如有問題請連繫住宿組  D-1. Check the original room. If it’s wrong, please contact the Division of Student Housing

Step 4-2 : 單人房申請 Single room D-2. 志願齋 Preferred Choices  D-2. 申請志願齋的同學 , 請選擇志願齋順序 志願齋不可重覆 亂數方式說明 : Step1. 所有參加的同學取得一組亂數序號 1~N Step2. 由開放的總床數決定多少序號內的同學有住宿權 ( 無住宿權 的同學 , 此序號為候補順位序號 , 並適用至當年 8 月 31 日止 ) step3-1 有住宿權且保留原齋寢的同學 : 保留該原齋寢 step3-2 有住宿權且選擇志願齋的同學 , 將依志願重新亂數 : 志願 1 選擇同一齋舍的所有同學進行亂數抽籤 → 志願 1 未抽中的同學再依志願 2 所選齋舍亂數抽籤 → 若 2 個志願都沒有亂數排入 , 將任意安排到有空床位的齋舍 !

Step 4-2 : 單人房申請 Single room D-2. 志願齋 Preferred Choices  D-2. Please select the preferred choices and click “Submit and go to next step”. The preferred choices can’t be the same. Computer Random Drawing Process : Step1. All participants receive a random serial number 1~N. Step2. Students with serial number within the amount of available beds will have the residence right (participants who have no residence right will be on the waiting list with the serial number they receive which is valid up to August 31 of the year). Step3-1. Students with residence right choosing to keep the same room in the same dorm: Will have the same room in the same dorm. Step3-2. Students with residence right and choice list will go through random drawing according to the choice list : 1st choice: All students choose the same dorm will go through random drawing. → Students whose 1st choice hasn’t been drawn will go through random drawing again for their second choice. → Students will be assigned to any dorms with vacancies if 2 choices haven’t been drawn.

Step 4-2 : 單人房申請 Single room E. 法規摘要 Summary of Rules  E. 確認法規摘要  E. Check the summary of rules and regulations

Step 4-2 : 單人房申請 Single room F. 完成申請 Complete the Application  F. 完成申請將自動寄信至信箱並可於申請名單 查 詢  F. If complete the application, you will receive the confirmed and you can inquire the list.

Step 4-2 : 單人房申請 Single room G. 修改志願 Edit the Preferred Choices  G. 申請單人房志願齋的同學可於申請完後自行修改志願序  G. If you apply the single room in preferred choices, you can edit the choices after application.

Step 4-2 : 單人房申請 Single room H. 亂數序號 Random number  H. 亂數序號結果公告 此序號僅決定是否有單人房住宿權 , 不作為決定齋舍安排的序號 無單人房住宿權的同學 , 此序號為候補順位序號 , 並適用至當年 8 月 31 日止  H. The result of random number The number determines whether you get the rights to live in single room. But it doesn’t determine the dorm allocation. The number is as the waiting-list for whom doesn’t get the single room. It’s applicable until August 31 st this year.

Step 4-2 : 單人房申請 Single room I-1. 保留原寢結果 Reservation for Original Room  I-1. 保留原寢結果 公告申請單人房保留原寢且取得住宿權同學的寢室床位  I-1. Reservation for Original Room The announcement of original single-room for whom get the rights to live.

Step 4-2 : 單人房申請 Single room I-2. 志願齋分配結果 Dorm Allocation  I-2. 志願齋分配結果 公告申請單人房志願齋且取得住宿權同學的齋舍分配結果 由住宿組安排床位 , 最終床位安排結果將另行公告於網頁上  I-2. Dorm Allocation Result Dorm allocation result for whom apply single room in preferred choices and get the rights to live. Division of Student Housing arranges the bed and will announce the result on website.

Step 4-3 : 雙人房申請 Twin room A. 宿舍規則 Dorm Rules  A. 請詳閱相關法規及注意事項 , 確認後同意規章開始申請  A. Read the rules and click the “Agree”

Step 4-3 : 雙人房申請 Twin room B-1. 保留原寢 Original Room B-2. 志願齋 Preferred Choices  B. 選擇由 ” 保留原寢 ” 或 “ 志願齋 ” 進入申請  B. Select the link of “Original Room” or “Preferred Choices”

Step 4-3 : 雙人房申請 Twin room C. 人數及資料 Group and Information  C. 選擇人數並填寫資料 填寫資料 : 學號 6~9 碼 、 西元出生年月 8 碼 、 有效連絡電話及信箱 、 本人銀行帳號 可選擇 1~2 人組 , 幾人組僅代表一組人數不代表為幾人房 有優先住宿權同學 ( 境外生 、 優先住宿 …) 無法與其他同學為一組申請  C. Select the number of people and fill in the information Information : student ID 、 birthday 、 available phone number and 、 personal bank account You can select 1-person or 2-persons group. # of group doesn’t mean that you apply for twin or single room. The student who has the priority such as non-Taiwanese can’t apply with other students.

Step 4-3 : 雙人房申請 Twin room D-1. 保留原寢 Original Room  D-1. 申請保留原寢的同學 , 請確認原寢資料是否正確 , 如有問題請連繫住宿組  D-1. Check the original room. If it’s wrong, please contact the Division of Student Housing

Step 4-3 : 雙人房申請 Twin room D-2. 志願齋 Preferred Choices  D-2. 申請志願齋的同學 , 請選擇志願齋順序 志願齋不可重覆 鴻齋限境外生可選填 亂數方式說明 : Step1. 所有參加 1 人組或 2 人組 ( 2 人組的序號相同 ) 的同學各取得 一組亂數序號 1~N Step2. 由開放的總床數決定多少序號內的同學有住宿權 ; 無住宿權 的同學 , 請參考住宿組公告候補作業 , 重新登記 。 step3-1 有住宿權且保留原齋寢的同學 : 保留該原齋寢 step3-2 有住宿權且選擇志願齋的同學 , 將依志願重新亂數 : 志願 1 選擇同一齋舍的所有同學進行亂數抽籤 → 志願 1 未抽中的同學再依志願 2 所選齋舍亂數抽籤 → 若 2 個志願都沒有亂數排入 , 將任意安排到有空床位的齋舍 !

Step 4-3 : 雙人房申請 Twin room D-2. 志願齋 Preferred Choices  D-2. Please select the preferred choices and click “Submit and go to next step”. The preferred choices can’t be the same. Dorm Hung is only for non-Taiwanese student. Computer Random Drawing Process : Step1. Team of one or two participated students will receive a random serial number 1~N (Team of two participated students will have the same serial number). Step2. Students with serial number within the amount of available beds will have the residence right. Students without residence right shall register again according to the announcement of Division of Student Housing. step3-1 Students with residence right choosing to keep the same room in the same dorm: Will have the same room in the same dorm. step3-2 Students with residence right and choice list will go through random drawing according to choice list : 1st Choice: All students choose the same dorm will go through random drawing. → Students whose 1st choice hasn’t been drawn will go through random drawing again for their second choice → Students will be assigned to any dorms with vacancies if 2 choices haven’t been drawn.

Step 4-3 : 雙人房申請 Twin room E. 法規摘要 Summary of Rules  E. 確認法規摘要  E. Check the summary of rules and regulations

Step 4-3 : 雙人房申請 Twin room F. 完成申請 Complete the Application  F. 完成申請將自動寄信至信箱並可於申請名單 查 詢  F. If complete the application, you will receive the confirmed and you can inquire the list.

Step 4-3 : 雙人房申請 Twin room G. 修改志願 Edit the Preferred Choices  G. 申請雙人房志願齋的同學可於申請完後自行修改志願序  G. If you apply the twin room in preferred choices, you can edit the choices after application.

Step 4-3 : 雙人房申請 Twin room H. 亂數序號 Random number  H. 亂數序號結果公告 此序號僅決定是否有雙人房住宿權 , 不作為決定齋舍安排的序號 無住宿權的同學 , 請參考住宿組公告候補作業 , 重新登記 。  H. The result of random number The number determines whether you get the rights to live in twin room. But it doesn’t determine the dorm allocation. Students without residence right shall register again according to the announcement of Division of Student Housing.

Step 4-3 : 雙人房申請 Twin room I-1. 保留原寢結果 Reservation for Original Room  I-1. 保留原寢結果 公告申請雙人房保留原寢且取得住宿權同學的寢室床位  I-1. Reservation for Original Room The announcement of original twin-room for whom get the rights to live.

Step 4-3 : 雙人房申請 Twin room I-2. 志願齋分配結果 Dorm Allocation  I-2. 志願齋分配結果 公告申請單人房志願齋且取得住宿權同學的齋舍分配結果 各齋依齋長公布辦法登記 、 分配床位 , 最終床位安排結果將另行公告於網頁上  I-2. Dorm Allocation Result Dorm allocation result for whom apply twin room in preferred choices and get the rights to live. The allocation of beds is arranged by dormitory head resident. The result will be announced on the website.

Step 5 : 個人資料修改  請提供有效聯絡電話及信箱 , 如發現 有誤請進行更正  點選欲更改之資料 , 填入新資料後送 出  Please provide the available phone number and . If it’s wrong, please correct the information.  Select the item and fill in the new information.

Remind :  Please check whether complete the application of summer, single-room, or twin- room accommodation.  If you have any questions, please contact the Division of Student Housing in office hours before the application deadline. 再次提醒 :  欲申請暑期及 學期的同學 , 請務必確認是 否皆申請完成 。  如有任何問題 , 請務必於申請 期限截止前之 上班期間洽詢 住宿組 。