Reproductive Health and Personal Wellness: Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Intimacy


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Presentation transcript:

Reproductive Health and Personal Wellness: Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Intimacy

We all know there are tremendous benefits associated with intimacy (aside from the sheer pleasure the act brings), and that higher rates of intimacy are associated with higher levels of male organ health in men. Now there’s a new study which seems to suggest that more frequent intimacy may help fight inflammation in the body.

About inflammation Most people hear about inflammation and have a vague idea about it, but what is inflammation, exactly? Inflammation is the body’s way of responding to an outside threat, like too much stress or an infection. So when a guy feels poorly and gets swollen glands, or when he gets a cut and that cut gets red and swollen, that means that body is using inflammation to fight infection. White blood cells, along with nutrients that encourage immune cells into action, have descended on the site and basically set up camp. They’re fighting the infection, and when they win, the inflammation goes away. The problem occurs when the immune system goes a little awry and overdoes things. Too much inflammation can cause a variety of problems, including gum disease, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis or hardening of the arteries.

The intimacy connection So how does intimacy enter into all this? According to a recent study, there may indeed be a connection – at least for older adults. Scientists in Australia looked at about 4,500 English men and women (average age of 66) who participated in a self-survey that included questions about sensual activity (as well as many other areas). These participants also provided blood samples. The scientists looked at the blood samples for specific biomarkers. A biomarker is a measurable indicator of some biological state or condition and in this case, the scientists were interested in biomarkers that indicate inflammation is present. Three were chosen – c-reactive proteins, fibrinogen and white blood cells. The higher the levels of these in the blood, the more likely that inflammation was present.

Results The researchers then compared the level of these biomarkers with how active a participant was. Those who had more frequent relations were found to have less chance of increased c-reactive proteins and white blood cells. (They also, perhaps not so coincidentally, scored higher on their quality of life answers as well.) There was no correlation between frequency of sensual activity and the levels of fibrinogen, however. Does this mean that older people that should get more active to keep inflammation away? Not necessarily. It could mean that they are more active (and have a higher quality of life) because they don’t have inflammatory problems. It’s the chicken-or-the-egg dilemma – does more play mean less inflammation or does less inflammation mean more action?

Hopefully, further studies will shed light on this situation and provide a clearer answer. And if there is a connection, further studies may clarify whether it extends to younger age groups or if the benefit is restricted to older adults. Of course, if a man is aiming for frequent relations, it pays to make sure his member is in its best health. Regular use of a first rate male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can come in handy in that regard. Most men should look for a crème that includes both L-arginine and L carnitine. The former is an amino acid that plays a key role in the process by which male blood vessels are kept open and receptive to increased flow of blood. And the latter provides neuroprotective benefits to help ensure sensation is not diminished through aggressive or frequent use.male organ health creme